
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guofy
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盆景,作者心造之真实境也。故观赏者于盆中清晰可见作者性情、为人及审美情趣。自古就有书如其人,画如其人之说,其实盆景亦然。故修养乃盆景作者之重要内容。修养者,一谓修德,一谓修艺。修德者平素为人处事当无愧于天地,无愧于左右朋友,时时宽怀心安,常置身于心如静湖的境界之中,虽一石击水也能见其形,听其声耳聪目明。修艺者必多读古文诗歌,多看金石书画,得其文采,以养气韵,神交古人,体会意境。久而久之,胸中所有物皆美,手中所作品自高,而山中不美之石、树中不美之枝皆不能入其眼中矣。丈有婉约、绮丽、诙谐、秀美、壮美诸般境界,书画盆景皆然。赵庆泉的《八骏图)布局清鲜,内容丰富,展现一种天地祥和之境;贺淦荪的《秋思》则以秋天黄昏为景物再现了马致远的词中所描绘之意境,一为欢愉清逸,一为见景生情,其境绝异。以艺术而论,两者皆美,皆盆景中上上之作。由此可见,盆景作者当不断修炼,胸藏千姿百态,万般境 Bonsai, the author of the heart of the real environment also. Therefore, the viewer clearly shows the author’s temperament in the basin, as well as aesthetic taste. Since ancient times there are books like people, painting as people say, in fact, bonsai also. Therefore, cultivation is an important part of bonsai author. Cultivation, one that the virtue of repair, a repair that art. The practitioners usually work well when they are worthy of the world, worthy of friends, always be surrounded by peace of mind, often in the state of mind, such as the lake. Practitioners will read more ancient poetry, see more stone painting and calligraphy, have their literary talent, to support the rhyme, God contact with the ancients, experience mood. As time passes, all things in the chest are beautiful, the work of the hands of the high, but the mountain is not the stone, the tree is not the beauty of the branches can not be carried into their eyes. Zhang has graceful, beautiful, humorous, beautiful, magnificent all kinds of realm, painting and calligraphy are all bonsai. Zhao Qingquan’s “Eight Chun Map” is freshly laid out and enriched in content to show a peaceful world. He Ganseng’s “Autumn Thoughts” recreates the mood depicted in the words of Ma Zhiyuan in autumn and autumn, One for the King see the situation, its unique environment. In terms of art, both are beautiful, all bonsai in the up and down. This shows that bonsai authors should be constantly practicing, bustling in different poses and with different opinions