Mild closed head traumatic brain injury-induced changes in monoamine neurotransmitters in the trigem

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovezx1990
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Our recent findings have demonstrated that rodent models of closed head traumatic brain injury exhibit comprehensive evidence of progressive and enduring orofacial allodynias, a hypersensitive pain response induced by non-painful stimulation. These allodynias, tested using thermal hyperalgesia, correlated with changes in several known pain signaling receptors and molecules along the trigeminal pain pathway, especially in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis. This study focused to extend our previous work to investigate the changes in monoamine neurotransmitter immunoreactivity changes in spinal trigeminal nucleus oralis, pars interpolaris and nucleus tractus solitaries following mild to moderate closed head traumatic brain injury, which are related to tactile allodynia, touch-pressure sensitivity, and visceral pain. Our results exhibited significant alterations in the excitatory monoamine, serotonin, in spinal trigeminal nucleus oralis and pars interpolaris which usually modulate tactile and mechanical sensitivity in addition to the thermal sensitivity. Moreover, we also detected a robust alteration in the expression of serotonin, and inhibitory molecule norepinephrine in the nucleus tractus solitaries, which might indicate the possibility of an alteration in visceral pain, and existence of other morbidities related to solitary nucleus dysfunction in this rodent model of mild to moderate closed head traumatic brain injury. Collectively, widespread changes in monoamine neurotransmitter may be related to orofacial allodynhias and headache after traumatic brain injury. Our recent findings have demonstrated that rodent models of closed head traumatic brain injury exhibit comprehensive evidence of progressive and enduring or ofaccial allodynias, a hypersensitive pain response induced by non-painful stimulation. These allodynias, tested using thermal hyperalgesia, correlated with changes in several known pain signaling receptors and molecules along the trigeminal pain pathway, especially in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis. This study focused to extend our previous work to investigate the changes in monoamine neurotransmitter immunoreactivity changes in spinal trigeminal nucleus oralis, pars interpolaris and nucleus tractus solitaries following mild to moderate closed head traumatic brain injury, which are related to tactile allodynia, touch-pressure sensitivity, and visceral pain. Our results exhibits significant alterations in the excitatory monoamine, serotonin, in spinal trigeminal nucleus oralis and pars interpolaris which usually modulate tactile an d. mechanical vibration in the nucleus tractus solitaries, which might indicate the possibility of an alteration in visceral pain, and existence of other Morbidities related to solitary nucleus dysfunction in this rodent model of mild to moderate closed head traumatic brain injury.
【中图分类号】G623.24 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)08-0082-01  小学课本里选了很多古诗词,老师在教学生学习古诗词时可以把写作也结合起来,学以致用,提高语文学习的效率。例如学习《春晓》(作者孟浩然)  春眠不觉晓,  处处闻啼鸟;  夜来风雨声,  花落知多少。  老师在基本讲解分析使学生有所理解后。再叫学生发挥联想和想象有创造性的散译这首诗。同学们
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