Wild pistachio tree (Pistacia mutica) in the Qalajeh forest region of western Iran

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:airingyuan
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Wild pistachio tree(Pistacia mutica)is considered the most important species in the Zagros forests. It can adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions. To find the suitable ecological conditions for pistachio species, we investigated different environmental factors such as gradient, aspect and position of the slopes through the distribution area. Frequency of pistachio trees in the north and northwest of Qalajeh forests was 36.4% and 1%, respectively. Maximum (32%) and minimum (13%) number of wild pistachio trees were in 30%-60% and >120% slope classes, respectively. The most number and least number of pistachio trees were found at elevations of 1100-1200 m and 2200-2300 m, respectively. The percentage of pistachio canopy coverage was 10. The average percentage of herbaceous coverage was 6.5. Pistachio trees of diameter per hectare at breast height (DBH) >20 cm numbered 5 while average number of pistachio trees was 8 per hectare. Pistachio seedlings per hectare averaged 3.5. The number of other species per ha was 7 trees. The effect of aspect on other species was not significant (p=0.151). Slope class and geographical aspect did not affect regeneration (p=0.275 and p=0.111, respectively). Pistachio plays an important economic role in semi-arid areas, therefore it is essential to protect and restore Qalajeh forests through participation by government and local people. To find the suitable ecological conditions for pistachio species, we investigated different environmental factors such as gradient, aspect and position of the Frequency of pistachio trees in the north and northwest of Qalajeh forests was 36.4% and 1%, respectively. Maximum (32%) and minimum (13%) number of wild pistachio trees were in 30% -60% The most number and least number of pistachio trees were found at elevations of 1100-1200 m and 2200-2300 m, respectively. The percentage of pistachio canopy coverage was 10. The average percentage of herbaceous coverage was 6.5. Pistachio trees of diameter per hectare at breast height (DBH)> 20 cm numbered 5 while average number of pistachio trees was 8 per hectare. Pistachio trees were per hectare averaged 3.5. The numb er of other species per ha was 7 trees. The effect of aspect on other species was not significant (p = 0.151). Slope class and geographical aspect did not affect regeneration (p = 0.275 and p = 0.111, respectively). Pistachio plays an important economic role in semi-arid areas, therefore it is essential to protect and restore Qalajeh forests through membership by government and local people.
数学教学是数学活动的教学,更是数学思维活动的教学。数学活动,如果没有学生自己的思维,只是一味的去算,就没有意义了。近日在上海中山小学听到了一节数学课《运用除法的性质进行除法的简便运算》一课,教师的教学设计无不围绕着让学生进行思维训练而展开的。给人留下了深刻的印象。  首先,课始的复习铺垫就做的很好,引导学生进行逆向思维。一开始,教师就口头出题,检测学生以前所学的知识学得怎么样。如问“几乘以几等于2
目的:  观察扶正养胃汤对慢性非萎缩性胃炎(Hp阳性)脾胃气虚兼湿热型的临床疗效,客观评价其治疗慢性非萎缩性胃炎的有效性,并探讨其作用机制,指导其在临床的运用。  方法: 
很长时间以来,我国的中学英语教学一直延袭使用语法翻译法。很多教师认为,教英语不过是让学生掌握语音、语法和词汇知识。判定学生英语学习好与坏的标准是看其英语知识掌握的多少,这样就导致了语法学得挺好,在英语交际中却常常出错。  那么语法与交际又是一种什么关系呢?  一、人们是如何学习语言的  第一,我们谈谈语言的学习形式。语言不是智力现象,像人类的其它行为一样,它是一种行为,語言是在习惯形成的过程中获取
摘要:技校学生工作要想达到预期的效果,必须贯彻“以人为本”的教育理念,它是德育教育的根本。心理健康教育是技校学生工作的焦点,也是人本工作的集中体现。针对技校生的特点,提出关于技校德育工作的人本思考。  关键词:技校、德育、以人为本  当前技工学校学生主要来自初中阶段成绩较差的群体,他们具有许多特点,因此技校德育工作应针对技校学生特点,贯彻“以人为本”的教育理念,重视学生心理健康教育。  一、技校学
摘要:自主学习已经成为新课程改革中的首要任务,如何在英语阅读教学中实施自主学习策略,本文略作探讨。  关键词:阅读教学 自主学习 策略  《英语课程标准》中明确指出基础教育阶段英语课程有四大任务,其中首要任务是:“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。”《标准》又指出:“在英语课程实施中,帮助学生有效地使用学习策略,不
人是有感情的,没有“人的感情”,就没有也不可能有人对真理的追求、事业的成功。心理学把强烈、稳定、持久的感情称为热情。有了这种感情,才会百折不挠、毫不松懈地去努力,从而达到既定目标。班主任老师要想做好班级工作,就必须对全班同学加大感情投入,浓化师生感情,用尊重、关心、理解、信任的态度激发每位学生的内在动力,调动其工作学习的积极性,为创建优秀班集体而共同努力。  “尊重”是加深师生感情的前提。一位好的
在由《新周刊》杂志社主办、新 浪网特别支持的“2003中国年度新锐 榜”的评选中,凤凰卫视中文台的《有 报天天读》节目打败了侯选节目《见 证》(中央电视台)、《象形城市》(
古典诗词是语文教学内容的重要组成部分之一,在语文诗词的教学过程中,可以引导学生进行诗词美的赏析,感受其美,进而培养中学生形成良好的审美情趣,在学习的同时起到美育的作用。中学语文教材所选的每一首诗词都有很好的意境,细心品味,能让人深切感受到古人对生活的那份热爱与感悟。难么我们应如何让学生掌握这方面的知识呢?  一、激发学生对古诗词的兴趣  众所周知,兴趣是指一个人积极探究某种事物和爱好某种活动的心理