How to Improve Reading Comprehension

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  【Abstract】In the English tests, students are faced with a lot of information and need to be better prepared of the demands that reading in society places on them. This paper explores the important for success, when teachers apply timed reading to their program, they should prepare their students for the fast-Paced world ahead of them.
  Reading has been an important language skill and it is now must important than any time in our history. In the middle school English textbook, reading comprehension takes up quite a few pairs, And in the middle school English texts reading comprehension is a key path. And with the higher demand of the fast development of the society, and the exposure to the Internet, students need to master the reading in order to understand the vast know ledge that the world gives them. It is belied that literate adult today is reading more in one week than their great—grandfather did in a whole year. n the middle school English textbooks, reading comprehension takes up quite a few parts, and thus in the middle school English tests reading comprehension is a key part .this fact places pressures on students to raise their reading to a higher level than before. The them of this paper is that through the training in timed reading, the students will increase their reading speed to prepare them better for the challenges they will encounter. There are many reasons for implementing timed reading into a reading program and a will give the explanation to some of them in this paper.
  2、The advantages of Faster Reading
  There are many advantages in gaining a faster reading speed. The first advantage is that you will save the amount of time when you're able to double your reading speed. With an increase in speed, he student will be able to cover most materials. For students that are slow readers, they read 125words per minute wherein the students that are good readers 300 words per minute. These are important gains for the students that will promote their academic success.
  The second advantage is that students are able to concentrate better on what leads to better comprehension of course, this area is under debate because there have been studies of students who lost comprehension when they were trying their effort to increase their reading speed. This is usually the cause of "rushed" And contains a little more technique than scanning. However, it is believed that through an "effective" Time reading, students can attain an increased reading rate and better comprehension.   The next advantage is that with the increase in speed and comprehension, students' academic grades tend to rise as well. This is all due to the control of extra time, which allows for greater understudying.
  Lastly and most importantly, students will enjoy the act of reading more, which promotes greater extensive reading, an added a read for increased reading speed and comprehension. With increased reading rate and motivation for extended reading, students will encounter frequent and repeated vocabulary, which relates to other arena of language skill development.
  3、Reading Strategies
  Like any reading program, increasing reading speed is most than just opening a book and starting reading the text. Timed reading involves the use of various stateliest of in—class exercises and extensive timed reading. Timed reading isn't the reading as-fast-as-you-can over a passage and is simply marking the gradual improvement. It involves reading strategies and the teacher's instruction.
  The successful readers used various strategies such as reading in broad phrases, skipping inessential words, guessing from context, and continuing to read the text even when they encountered a term that they didn't know.
  The next strategy mentioned is the ability to make informed predictions as the student progresses through the text. Through making predictions is stimulated by the reader's background knowledge that improves text comprehension.
  4、Reading techniques
  4.1 Phrase reading
  "Most of our students are word-by-word readers and as a consequence, read at very low rates-100to perhaps 125 words per minute (the average native speaker is at around 300 WPM).
  It is cleat that strategies play an institute role in the effective development of any reading program. This is especially true for timed-reading because we emphasize the speed of reading and comprehension. The interaction with the text in time reading forces the ESL learner to move beyond the word level of reading (bottom-up), that most tend to be in, to a level that requires cognitive negotiations of meaning(top-down).
  4.2 Skimming--reading for general ideas.
  Surveying the passage is to use the first and last paragraphs to quickly grasp the topic of passage. Sometimes the first or last paragraph of a passage may have special significance. The writer may state in the first paragraphs what he intends to write about, or he may summaries what he has been saying in the last paragraph. When readers skim, they read to get the main idea, but not all of the details of an article or story. Skimming is a very useful skill. Knowing how to skim will make students better readers.   4.2.1 What to read: The readers should read the first paragraph or two in its entirety at the fastest rate to grasp the idea of the story, the setting, a little of the author's style and so on.
  4.2.2 What to leave out: once the reader has an overview of the selection, he or she should begin immediately to leave out the portion of the text.
  4.2.3 finding the main idea: In skimming, the reader should attempt to get the main idea of every paragraph.
  4.2.4 Give the students a brief introduction on the background before directing to read, for example, we may intrigue something about the author's life, history and geographical conditions of the author's time and the practical significance of his works, etc.
  4.2.5 Guide and foster the students' reading skills while they're reading. Before demanding the students to read in the fixed period of time, we may teach them how to cope with a new word or phrase. For example, we may tell them the way of guessing its meaning according to the context.
  4.3 Guess the earnings of words from contexts.
  One of the most important factors in reading is knowledge of words. The numbers of words you know determine the difficulty and complexity of the material you can read and understand. However, it should be realized that the English vocabulary is so vast, and you can read and understand. However it should be realized that the English vocabulary is so vast and you can't hope to master vocabulary only by learning your lessons in the classroom. Somehow, you must become self-emanated learners who continue to learn words when they are not with the textbook and the teacher. Too many new words are still the biggest barrier for readers. When reading an article, most readers consult the dictionary continuously. But to do that takes up too much time. In fact, there are some other ways to solve the problem, such as to guess the new word from word formation. For example, we know that "content" means" satisfactory", so we can guess that "discontented" means "unhappy".
  Another way is to guess the new words from contexts. In many reading materials, the new words have certain indications or hints between the lines.
  If students learn to guess new words by word analysis or indication analysis in possible context, they'll get great benefits, be less reliable on dictionaries, and will find pleasure to read.
  In the teaching of reading skills, we tell the students the skills that were told in the context. Knowing them may help the students to improve their reading skills.
  "Rome was not built in a day". It's really a difficult task to improve reading skills. However, "Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it", so long as we make concerted effort, we are sure we can open up a new road to teaching English well; We are sure the students can improve reading comprehension.
  [1] English Teaching and Research Notes 华东师范大学 (1998.1)
  [2] English Weekly山西师范大学(1993.3)
  [3] A Guide to Reading and Writing Course.四川科学技术出版社(1997.5)
  [4] 刘强 New Century Study Handbook 九洲图书出版社(1999.9)
【摘 要】数学教学来源于生活并且应用于生活,不仅要求选材必须密切联系学生生活实际,而且要求“数学教学必须从学生熟悉的生活情境和感兴趣的事物出发,为他们提供观察和操作的机会”。教师在教学中要积极创设教学问题情境,那么什么才是最佳的教学情境?笔者认为应该具备三个条件:一、创设教学问题情境要能激发学生学习兴趣;二、教学问题情境应有利于学生对于数学知识的理解与应用;三、教学问题情境设计要具有实践性。  【
【摘 要】在传统的英语阅读教学中,教师往往只追求语言形式的教学,这样做既不利于学生对阅读材料的理解,也不利于学生对语言知识的掌握,更谈不上培养和提高学生的语言运用能力。那么,如何借助阅读课文来实现英语阅读教学的多重目标呢?经过长期的教学实践,笔者认为在不同的阅读教学阶段,应设计不同的教学活动以实现阅读教学的多重目标。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读课;教学设计  高中英语阅读课文具有题材广泛、体裁各样
美术教育是一种普及性的教育,是素质教育的体现,它应该使学生终身受益,学生单纯学一些绘画技巧是十分片面的。因此,在小学美术教育中,教师要渗透审美教育,从小培养学生感悟美、发现美、欣赏美、创造美的能力。小学新课程标准提出:美术教学要对学生进行美育,要贯穿在整个美术教学的过程中,体现在教学的各个方面。那么,作为美术教师,我们在教学中应该怎样将审美教育落到实处呢?  一、教师先导,树立审美教育观  美育是
【摘 要】多媒体教学具有形象性、多样性、新颖性、趣味性、直观性、丰富性等特点,它能激发学生的学习兴趣,为课堂教学提供了更多更优的支持,与传统的教学手段相结合,给课堂教学带来了生机,它把声、像,图、文聚一身,把动态与静态完美地结合起来,成为传统课堂教学的有效补充手段,多媒体教学越来越显示出它无以伦比的优势。多媒体技术不但能把复杂的知识简单化,把深奥的内容浅显化,更训练了学生思维能力,拓宽了学生视野,
【摘 要】以多媒体和国际互联网为代表的当代信息技术,正以惊人的速度改变着人们的生存方式和学习方式。多媒体技术在现代教育教学中的地位日益上升,逐渐显示出了传统教育教学不能比拟的优越性。由于生物学科研究的内容既有宏观又有微观、既有静态又有动态、既有结构生理又有情景过程,所以这一点在生物学科的课堂教学中表现尤为突出。本文通过对多媒体技术在生物教学中的应用的研究,分析了生物学科教学的特点,发现了多媒体技术
实验设计类试题思维量大,信息和情境新颖,设问角度多样,综合性强,能力要求高,能较好地反映学生基础知识和基本技能的掌握情况,激活学生的创新意识,并提高其思维能力。从近几年全国各地理科综试题来看,实验设计是实验考查的重点题型,同时也是考生易失分的题型。因此,笔者拟就高中生物实验设计谈谈自己在教学训练中的一些体会。  1、实验基本原则要把握  一是要遵循对照原则。一个完整的实验设计应包括实验组和对照组。
近年来,中学生,大学生以及社会青年都不断轻生,导致自杀频繁出现,其危害和后果非常严重,已经成为社会和媒体热切关注的话题。据有关部门调查显示:我国每年约有28.7万人自杀死亡,约有200万人自杀未遂。平均每两分钟就有1 人自杀死亡,8人自杀未遂。其中,15—34岁是自杀的高峰年龄段。  在校中学生正处于这一高峰年龄段,自杀率相对较高。前有云南大学的马加爵杀人,近有广东深圳市5.26特大车祸,东莞宝马
【摘 要】科学课考核的方法不同于语文、数学,只采用书面考核不能全面衡量一个学生学习科学课的成绩。本文依据《新课标》的要求和科学学科的特点,对学生学习科学课成绩评定的方法进行了很大的改革,在考核学生的知识和能力的同时,既要考虑到部分学习积极性高、动手能力强的学生能得到高分,与差生的分数有较大的差别,使他们的学习劲头更足。又要尽量避免把分数压得过低,使部分学生丧失学习积极性。  【关键词】科学课;学业
【摘 要】英语老师应努力做到了解并掌握英语课堂教学的规律,钻研教学方法和技巧,提高课堂教学的效率;应注意研究如何调动学生在课堂上的积极性和主动性,激发学生的学习欲望和兴趣。  【关键词】高中英语;实施过程;注意问题  英语课堂教学是老师向学生进行教授语言知识和训练学生英语技能的主要形式,是中学生学习英语的主要途径。因此,英语老师应努力做到了解并掌握英语课堂教学的规律,钻研教学方法和技巧,提高课堂教
【摘 要】近年来,教育领域正发生着翻天覆地的变化。教育信息化、电子白板等新有名词也悄悄进入了人们的视野。然而,任何的改变都是一把“双刃剑”,伤人与伤几也只在一念之间而已。教育的改革与创新在实际的应运中,成果究竟是好是坏?难道教室由土瓦平房换做万丈高楼、将投影仪换做多媒体、电子白板……而老师们仍旧用着以前的方式方法教学就是教育改革与创新了吗?本文观点认为教育教学改革与创新的精髓是在于教育观念的改变。