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  一、 简单句、并列句、复合句错落有致,增加文章节奏感。
  1. 我对你取得的进步感到吃惊。
  a. You have made progress. I’m amazed at that. (简单句)
  b. You have made progress and I’m amazed at that. (并列句)
  c. I’m amazed at the progress you’ve made. (2009湖北) (定语从句)
  2. 大家都知道,中国是一个历史悠久的国家。
  a. It is well known. China is a country with a long history. (简单句)
  b. China is a country with a long history and it is well known. (并列句)
  c. It’s well known that China is a country with a long history. (2009山东) (主语从句)
  二、 被动语态的使用。主动为主,被动为辅,使句式表达多样化。
  1. 如图所示,其中许多学生都戴眼镜。
  a. Most of the students are wearing glasses. You can see that in the picture.
  b. As can be seen in the picture, most of the students are wearing glasses. (2007天津)
  2. 她们一到那里,李月和张华就受到了热烈欢迎。
  a. Upon their arrival, they warmly welcomed Li Yue and Zhang Hua.
  b. Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed. (2009浙江)
  三、 使用短语 使句式简练。
  1. 令我高兴的是,父亲把我送到一所著名的医院去体验护理工作。
  a. I felt delighted. My father sent me to a famous hospital to experience nursing.
  b. To my delight, my father sent me to a famous hospital to experience nursing. (2009上海)(短语)
  2. 大约在下午一点钟,Tracy打来了电话。
  a. At about 1 o’clock this afternoon, Tracy called.
  b. At about 1 o’clock this afternoon, Tracy made a phone call.(2009全国I)(短语)
  四、 it的使用 it代替动词不定式、动名词、从句等,作形式主语或形式宾语。
  1. 我认为保护和美化我们的环境是我们的职责。
  a. In my opinion, it is our duty to protect and beautify our environment.
  b. We feel it’s our duty to protect and beautify our environment. (2009年北京)(it作形式主语)
  2. 我认为,通过和大家一起生活,对学习共同生活是有教育意义的。
  a. In my opinion, it is instructive to learn to live together by living together.
  b. I think it instructive to learn to live together by living together. (2008福建) (it作形式宾语)
  五、非谓语 不定式、过去分词、现在分词及动名词的使用,可使句式多样化。
  1. 我想申请护理工作,当一名护士。以便能提高护理水平。
  a. I want to apply for nursing and become a nurse.And I want to improve my nursing.
  b. In order to improve my nursing, I want to apply for nursing and become a nurse.(2009上海)(不定式短语作目的状语)
  2. 鼠标是一个有用的装置。人们用它来和电脑进行对话。
  a. The mouse is a most effective device. It is used by people to communicate with a computer.
  b. The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer.(2009江苏)(过去分词短语作定语)
  3. 看见一个年轻老师进了教室, 我的学生开始吵闹起来。
  a. When my students saw a young teacher enter the classroom, they began to make noises.
  b. Seeing a young teacher enter the classroom, my students began to make more noises.(2009湖南)(现在分词短语作状语)
  4. 感谢你给我寄来的信。在信中你询问改建后的前门大街的情况。
  a. Thank you for your letter. In it you asked about the rebuilt Qianmen Street.
  b. Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street. (2009全国II)(现在分词短语作定语)
  1. 定语从句
  1). 我们要做的主要的事,就是到农场帮农民摘苹果。
  a. We will do the main thing. We will help farmers pick apples on the farm.
  b. The main thing we will do is to help farmers pick apples on the farm. (2009辽宁)(非限制性定语从句)
  2). 我经常浏览你们的网站,从那里我知道你们正在征集讨论话题。
  a. I often visit your website, and from it I know that you are collecting topics for discussion.
  b. I often visit your website, from which I know that you are collecting topics for discussion.(2009重庆)(介词提前的定语从句)
  2. 状语从句
  1). 到了志愿者们离开的时候,老人对他们的好意表示感谢。
  a. It was time for the volunteers to leave. The elderly people thanked them for their kindness.
  b. When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness.(2009浙江)(时间状语从句)
  2). 现在我很兴奋,非常想和你一起分享这次难忘的经历。
  a. Now I am excited. I can’t wait to share with you an unforgettable experience.
  b. Now I’m so excited that I can’t wait to share with you an unforgettable experience. (2009湖北) (结果状语从句)
  3. 名词性从句
  1). 你的心情好坏其实由你自己决定。
  a. Do you have a good mood or a bad mood? It depends on yourself indeed.
  b. Whether you have a good mood or a bad mood depends on yourself indeed. (2009江西) (主语从句)
  2). 我想,我一定能学会如何处理严重事故。
  a. I’m sure to learn how to deal with the serious accident. I must say it.
  b. I must say that I’m sure to learn how to deal with the serious accident.(2009上海)(宾语从句)
  3). 你真正想说的是:这些天你没事可做。
  a. You have nothing to do these days. You were really trying to say that.
  b. What you were really trying to say is that you’ve nothing to do these days. (2009湖北) (表语从句)
  七、倒装语序 可增强说服力。
  1. 通过这种方法我能获得更多的自信。
  a. I can gain more confidence in this way.
  b. Only in this way can I gain more confidence. (2009福建)(介词短语提前)
  2. 我们很少知道国内外发生了什么事。
  a. We seldom know what is happening both at home and abroad.
  b. Seldom do we know what is happening both at home and abroad. (2008陕西) (否定副词提前)
  八、强调结构用It is......that......句型或用助动词进行强调,突出语意。
  1. 父母喜欢我们陪伴他们,不是我们送的礼物。
  a. Our parents enjoy our company not our gifts.
  b. It is our company not our gifts that our parents enjoy. (2006江西) (It is......that......句型)
  2. 我感到很累,需要好好休息。
  a. I need a good rest because I do feel tired.
  b. A good rest is needed because I do feel tired.(2007四川)(用助动词do表示强调)(省略主语I,改为祈使句)
  九、省略结构 达到言简意赅的效果。
  1. 希望你能找到一份好工作。
  a. I hope that you will find a good job.
  b. Hope you will find a good job. (2009湖北)(省略主语I,改为祈使句)
  2. 所以我想,无论何时,无论何地,只要有可能,我就选择微笑。
  a. So I want to smile whenever and wherever it is possible.
  b. So I want to smile whenever and wherever possible. (2009福建)(省略it is)
  十、祈使句 引起读者注意。
  1. 如果你认为你不能和他们谈谈,你可以给父母写一封信。
  a. If you don’t think you can talk to them, you can write them a letter.
  b. If you don’t think you can talk to them, write them a letter and leave it lying around.(2009安徽)(省略主语you, 改从句为祈使句)
  1. 现在我很高兴。
  a. I am very delighted now.
  b. How delighted I am now!(2009湖南)
  十二、突出形容词、副词的作用常见的有形容词作状语、形容词接不定式、形容词接从句, 副词用在句首等。
  1. 既着急又担心,他们两人都盯着门。
  a. They were anxious and worried. They both focus their eyes on the door.
  b. Anxious and worried, they both focus their eyes on the door. (2006江西) (句首形容词作状语)
  2. 我很高兴收到你的来信,欢迎你七月份到中国来。
  a. I’m glad to hear from you and you’re welcome to China in July.
  b. Glad to hear from you and you’re welcome to China in July.(2009四川)(形容词接不定式)
  3. 我要指出你的一个错误。
  a. I will point out one mistake of yours.
  b. I’m afraid there is one mistake I’d like to point out.(2009湖北)(形容词接从句,省略that)
  十三、过渡词语的使用and, but, so, or, however, therefore, besides, as a result, what’s more, either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but also..., in my opinion等连接成分的使用,使文意通顺,过渡自然。
  1. 在你们国家住了半年,我生活愉快,英语学习也取得了很大的进步。
  a. I lived a happy life. I made great progress in my English study in your country for half a year.
  b. I lived a happy life and made great progress in my English study in your country for half a year. (2009山东)(并列连词and)
  2. 这是我们的第一次选举。大家很兴奋。
  a. This is our first election. Everyone was excited.
  b. This is our first election, so everyone was excited. (2007北京)(并列连词so)
  3. 你应该使用“无所事事”。
  a. You should use “无所事事”.
  b. In that case, you should use “无所事事”.(2009湖北) (过渡成分in that case)
  十四、with复合结构、独立主格 体现深厚的语法功底。
  1. 春天来临,人们将开展各种各样的活动。
  a. When the Spring Festival is drawing near, people will hold all varieties of activities.
  b. With the Spring Festival drawing near, people will hold all varieties of activities.(2009山东)(with复合结构)
  2. 当所有的活儿都干完了,他们就坐在院子里和老人聊天。
  a. When everything was done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.
  b. Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.(2009 浙江)(独立主格)
  十五、引用谚语,习语等。 谚语、习语的使用,增加文采。
  1. 如果能“入乡随俗”,那么你在这里就能逗留得愉快。
  If you “Do as the Romans do when in Rome”, you’ll enjoy more of your stay here. (2009四川)(谚语)
  2. 我们都知道,有一个著名的谚语:态度决定一切。
  It is known to us all that there is a famous saying “Everything depends on one’s attitude”.(2009江西)(谚语)
  3. 好久不见。
  Long time no see! (2009湖南)(习惯用语)
  十六、虚拟语气 提出建议,委婉表达,易于接受。
  1. 他建议在校学生应避免用眼过度,多参加户外活动。
  a. He made a suggestion. School children should avoid overuse of their eyes and do more outdoor activities.
  b. He suggested that school children avoid overuse of their eyes and do more outdoor activities.(2009广东)(用动词suggest引导虚拟语气)
  2. 如果你能多做些家务活,比如,扫地、洗衣服、做饭等,情况会更好。
  a. You can share more of the housework, such as cleaning, washing and cooking.
  b. It’s even better if you could share more of the housework, such as cleaning, washing and cooking.(2009陕西)(用if引导虚拟语气)
  1. 我明白,从护理中我能学到很多的东西,比如:如何照顾病人,如何为病人服务,以及如何给病人提供帮助等等。
  a. I think I can learn so much from nursing, for example, how to take care of patients, how to serve patients, and how to give a patient’s aid and so on. (2009上海)(排比)
  2. 生活就像一面镜子。你对它微笑,它也向你回报微笑。
  a. Life is like a mirror, if you smile at it, it will smile back to you. (2009江西)(比喻)
  1. 下次, 你可以试着用汉语给我写信。
  2. 上中学的时候,我学到了一些医学知识。
  3 爱迪生,生于美国,是一个伟大的科学家和发明家。
  4. 我认为,仅仅送给父母贵重的礼物是不对的。
  5. 大街长800余米,300余家商铺。
  6. 那两本你让我还给城市图书馆的书,我已经带来了。
  7. 他们说那是一个美好的日子,他们要永远记住。
  9. 他们所做的事给别人带来了快乐,也丰富了他们自己的生活。
  10. 只有通过这种办法,我们才能有充沛的精力更加努力地学习。
  1. a. Try and write me in Chinese next time. (2008全国II)
  b. You may try to write me in Chinese next time.
  c. It is a good idea for you to try to write me in Chinese next time.
  2. a. When I was in middle school, I learnt some medicine knowledge.(2009上海)
  b. As a middle school student, I learnt some medicine knowledge.
  c. Studying in a middle school, I learnt some medicine knowledge.
  3. a. Born in America, Edison was a great scientist and inventor. (2008湖南)
  b. Edison was born in America, and he was a great scientist and inventor.
  c. Edison, who was born in America, was a great scientist and inventor.
  4. a. I don’t think it good only to provide our parents with expensive gifts. (2006江西)
  b. In my opinion, it is not good only to provide our parents with expensive gifts.
  c. We only provide our parents with expensive gifts, which is not good.
  d. We only provide our parents with expensive gifts, but it is not good.
  5. a. Along this 800-meter street, there are more than 300 shops. (2009全国II)
  b. This street is 800 meters long, along which are more than 300 shops.
  c. This street is 800 meters long, and along it are more than 300 shops.
  d. More than 300 shops are along this 800-meter street.
  6. a. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library. (2009全国I)
  b. I have taken with me the two books, which you asked me to return to the City Library.
  c. You asked me to return the two books to the City Library, and / so I have taken them with me.
  7. a. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever.(2009 浙江)
  b. They said such a beautiful day was it that they would remember it forever.
  c. They said it was a beautiful day, which they would remember forever.
  d. They said it was a beautiful day and they would remember it forever.
  8. a I stood on the platform, feeling embarrassed and not knowing what to do.(2009湖南)
  b. I stood on the platform, felt embarrassed and didn’t know what to do.
  c. I stood on the platform, and I felt so embarrassed that I didn’t know what to do.
  9. a. What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives.(2009 浙江)
  b. What they did has not only brought joy to others but also enriched their own lives.
  c. What they did brought joy to others. And it also enriched their lives.
  10. a. Only in this way can we have enough energy to study better. (2006福建)
  b. We can have enough energy to study better in this way.
Once upon a time , street dancing could be found only in the back alleys of cities like London and New York. It was a form of battle-- the safest kind: no punches, no gunfire,just a group of dancers t
“奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Award)”的正式名称是“电影艺术与科学学院奖”,1927年设立,每年一次在美国洛杉矶(Los Angeles)举行,80多年来一直享有盛誉。一些片名的汉泽与英语出入较大,很多都是换译,另译以吸引观众。
希望长着羽毛  栖在灵魂里,  唱着无词的乐曲,  从来不停歇。  风越大声越甜;  寻常的风暴  休想吓倒这只  温暖众生的小鸟。  我曾听她在最寒带,  最陌生的海上;  却从不因为潦倒,  向我乞讨丝毫。
A  All kids need to be moti-vated to learn while some kids have to be tricked into learning.
第二部分  21-25 CDBCB26-30 DDABA  31-35 ABCDB36-40 ACDBA  41-45 CCACB46-50 CADAC    第三部分  51-55 DDBBC56-60 DDAAD  61-65 BCDBB66-70 CDCBD    第二部分英语知识运用  第一节多项选择  21. C。occasion有“场合”之意。situation“位置,形势,局面,处境
I shot an arrow into the air,  It fell to earth, I knew not where,  For, so swiftly it flew, the sight  Could not follow it in its flight.    I breathed a song into the air,  It fell to earth, I knew
第二部分  21-25 ACBDC26-30 BDCDC   31-35 CABBA36-40 CADBB  41-45 ACADC46-50 BBDAC  51-55 CDBAD  第三部分  56-60 DCACC61-65 AADBA  66-70 CCCAB71-75 ADACD    第二部分 英语知识运用  第一节 单项填空  21. A。句意为:——我写文章你别打扰我。——好的,你写