
来源 :浙江人大 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longsir8481
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2005年,干在实处、走在前列的浙江,经济社会发展成就喜人,城乡面貌日新月异,人民生活得到改善。这其中,自然少不了在浙全国人大代表的一份功劳。在本职工作中,他们站在时代的潮头,开拓创新,奋发有为,是各行各业中的风云人物。在履行代表职务时,他们倾听民间疾苦,反映黎民心声,“俯首甘为孺子牛”。本刊记者在十届全国人大四次会议隆重召开前,走访了7位全国人大代表。他们中,有一心为民的村党支部书记,有忘我工作的科技精英,有叱咤风云的商界领军人物,有为失学儿童奔走呼吁的人民教师……他们,是浙江的骄傲。数风流人物,还看今朝! In 2005, Zhejiang Province, a leader in implementing and leading the world, achieved gratifying achievements in economic and social development with an ever-changing urban-rural outlook and improved people's living standards. Among these, a natural contribution to the NPC deputies in Zhejiang. In their own work, they stand in the forefront of the times, pioneering and innovative, work hard, is a man of all walks of life. While performing their duties, they listened to the sufferings of the people and reflected the opinions of Thais people. They bowed their heads to the bullocks. Prior to the grand opening of the Fourth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress, our correspondents visited 7 deputies to the National People's Congress. Among them, there is a party secretary with a single-minded people in the village, an elite of science and technology who is selfless, an influential leader in the business community, and a people teacher who calls for out-of-school children ... They are the pride of Zhejiang. Merry figures, but also look at the present!
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本文试图采用内建自测逻辑(BIST—Built—In Self Testing)的结构化可测设计方法解决 VLSI 的自动测试问题。给出了 RAM 的错误模型及测试方法。用 Concorde硅编译器工具设计