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  Abstract:It is interesting and important to note that while conversation participants nearly always observe the Cooperative Principle. Dialogues with the violation of the maxim of Quality are conducive to portray some typical characters. The following example reflects the use of the technique of violating the maxim of Quality for this purpose.
  Key Words:Quality maxim;Analysis;English Movies Dialogues
  It is generally acknowledged that the Cooperative Principle is an essential prerequisite for conversations to be carried out normally and smoothly. It is interesting and important to note that while conversation participants nearly always observe the Cooperative Principle ,that is, they do not always observe these maxims strictly .These maxims may be violated for various reasons, but only when they are “flouted”, to use Grice’s term, does “conversational implicature ” occur(戴炜栋,何兆熊,2002:93) .
  Violation of the maxim of Quality occurs when the speaker say something untrue or for which he or she lacks adequate evidence(韦小敏,2007 ).
  It is believed that many dialogues of the English movies often violate the maxim of Quality. However, such dialogues not only could greatly attract movie audiences but also can make a contribution to express the inner emotion of characters .Meantime, they can portray typical characters. The technique of violating the maxim of Quality is obviously used in the following examples for these purposes.
  In the classic and famous Oskar movie Four Weddings and a Funeral, it deeply startled the hero to find his lover’s appearance at his friend’s funeral ceremony, then he felt quiet uncertain, so he said to his lover:
  “I thought you were gone ”.
  “Without you ,never” .
  From what they said, it is not hard for audiences to notice that the hero could not determine whether his lover came here just for him. Meanwhile, surprise and uncertain were fully emerged in his conversation.Though he was extremely uncertain; he still eagerly looked forward to express his inner emotion regardless of the violation of the maxim of Quality. In addition, though their conversation is simple and brief, the sincere and deep love between them still can be felt, which will lead people to endless aftertastes as well.
  Dialogues with the violation of the maxim of Quality are conducive to portray some typical characters. The following example reflects the use of the technique of violating the maxim of Quality for this purpose.
  Anna: We are best friends in sixth grade .I know I got involved with my music, and you became involved with your cheer leading but why dose this have to be World WarⅢ? Don’t you remember any of it? I know I do. I mean, how do you feel that?
  Stacey: Sit with me.
  This conversation is from the humorous film Freaky Friday, which occurs between Anna and her friend Stacey .They once were good friends but they became enemies later for some reasons. After Anna and her mother changed body, her mother tried to make Anna and Stacey matins friendly relations again, so she made this conversation with Stacy. After hearing what Anna said, Stacy agreed to make her peace with Anna on the surface and said“Said with me ”. But in the following plot of story, to people’s surprise, Stacey framed up Anna because of this conversation. Undoubtedly, Stacey told lies and cheated Anna. From this dialogue, movie audiences could be aware that Stacey is a crafty and malicious girl. Thus, the effect of portraying typical characters is achieved by violation of the maxim of Quality.
  Generally speaking, characters in the movies are supposed to comply with the Cooperative Principle, thus, audiences can have a better understanding of the films through the lines. However, most of dialogues of the English movies violate the Cooperative Principle on purpose, aiming to produce a kind of special meaning, as well as to shape vivid characters, make unforgettable impression on audiences and achieve pretty good film effects .Then classic dialogues in some films are discussed from the perspective of the violation of the Cooperative Principle in this paper.
  This paper is devoted to help movie audiences have a further understanding of the English language and arise their interest in learning English as well. In the meantime, this paper can make a great contribution to the development of Chinese filmdom and help them forge ahead toward the international film market.
  [1] Grice, H. P. Logic and Conversation [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975, 45.
  [2] Liu Hongwen & Liu Tiehong . On the Cooperative Principle and Achievement of Humorous Effec[J].Chinese Journal, 2005.
  [3] 戴炜栋,何兆熊. 新编简明英语语言学教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版,2002.
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学习的真正乐趣在:于轻松愉悦的环境中自觉的掌握本学科的知识。朱熹云:“教人不见意趣,心不乐学。”在教学中如何激发学生的学习兴趣呢?途径和方法是多种多样的。这里仅略谈如何在四十五分钟的课堂上激发学生兴趣的几点体会。  一、“入”能得法,“导”得有趣  课堂的导入,若“入”能得法,“导”有趣味,不但能将学生在课间休息时散放的心很快吸引至课堂学习的目标上来,而且能引人入胜,激发学生听课的情绪。对本堂课的
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