How Semantics Utilized in Teaching Meaning in English Classes

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  Abstract:This paper focuses on how semantics utilized in teaching meaning in English classes. Although it is an integral aspect of English teaching, it still remains unclear to many teachers how this affects the use of meaning in their teaching practice. This paper will make some suggestions on teaching methods as well.
  Key words:Semantics; English Teaching; Meaning
  English language learning, as a dynamic and conscious movement from the source language to the target language, theoretically encompasses many factors such as linguistics, culture, literature and so on. In English language teaching and learning, these factors play different roles and the linguistic culture seems to take a more prominent position. However, this still remains unclear to many teachers of English. This paper will focus on semantics and teaching about meaning, and its implications for English teaching will be probed into.
  An important aspect of English learning is how meaning is expressed and this can be done in many ways. Here are some suggestions.
  1. Teaching in Context
  A major implication of semantics in English teaching is that meaning is context-specific. Therefore, word or vocabulary list s may be helpful, but insufficient. Words and phrases can have many meanings, and this needs to be communicated to both teachers and students. Also, teachers need to develop in students the ability to analyse aspects of meaning, not only simply by teaching good dictionary skills, but also by giving students the ability to look for the aspects of meaning in reading or listening passages and to infer possible meanings they might otherwise miss. As well, since meaning is context-specific, vocabulary must always be taught in context, because the context can help us define words. Many words in English have more than one meaning, so if we teach words in context, learners will know the exact meaning of the word. Also, the context can tell us what words precede or follow a new word. We can teach collocations. This will enable our learners to use the word in a natural and idiomatic way. The context can tell us in what grammatical pattern the new word occurs. Thus we can compare the grammatical pattern of the new word with that of words with similar meanings to draw students’ attention to the regularity or irregularity of the word. And at last the context can show us in what type of situation the new word is used. Therefore students will know how to use the word appropriately.
  2. Teaching by Comparison
  Another important method is to teach the similarities and differences of vocabulary we share in common with the students’ first language. For example, ‘home’ and ‘family’ are two different words in meaning and usage. But in Chinese, they are the same in form. So, for the students, they should also learn to recognize and avoid difficulties caused by “false friends”, words that have similar form but different, often opposite, meanings in different languages. Another example is as follows: My patient is very patient. The first “patient” is a noun meaning a person receiving medical treatment from a doctor or in hospital while the second one is an adjective meaning having or showing patience. In this way, the students can have a clear understanding of what they are learning.
  3. Creative Teachers
  With culture being integrated more and more in English teaching programmes, cultural meaning needs to be made more explicit in the discussions of vocabulary, non-verbal communication and other aspects of language and culture. Unfortunately, these aspects of semantics are often neglected. In our students’ text-books and teachers’ books, they often fail to mention the cultural meanings. Obviously, both of the books need to incorporate cultural meanings of both vocabulary and other aspects of English. Since little has been done in the area of semantics and culture, English teachers need to be creative. More efficient and effective teaching techniques need to be developed, tested, and used in the classroom. One must caution against thinking that there is one right way to teach semantics and culture. As made clear here, meaning in language is complex and our teaching needs to reflect this complexity. Too often meaning and vocabulary are equated, while this is clearly not the case. Neglecting the different meanings, we will deprive the students of the essential aspects of language. English teachers need to strive above all else toward the communication of the creative excitement and variety that meaning demands in language and culture. Perhaps those working in communicative classes have the advantage in this, with lots of varieties and opportunities for real language use —which in itself requires meaning. On one hand, it is easy to think of difficulties one may meet in integrating language, linguistics and culture in our English teaching. On the other hand, it is exciting to fathom the possibilities as well.
  In this article, we have briefly considered a number of issues related to semantics in English-learning classes. Some implications of teaching meaning in English classes have been touched upon. In conclusion, it should be noted that cultural meaning needs to become more integrated into English teaching both in terms of vocabulary and other meaning-bearing aspects of language. It has also been made clear that in English teaching, this area needs to be developed and explored both in theory and practice.
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摘 要:本文在分析人因工程学学科特点的基础上,针对工业工程专业对人因工程学课程的教学进行探讨。主要从人因工程学理论教学、理论运用、理论与工业工程实践相结合及改进教学方法等方面进行教学创新与探讨。  关键词:人因工程学;工业工程;教学改革    1、人因工程学学科特点    人因工程学作为一门独立学科有着自身的特点。根据国际人类工效学学会的定义,人因工程学是研究人在某种工作环境中的解剖学、生理学和心
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透过中小学生课业负担过重的原因,我们不难发现这是个涉及到政治、经济、教育、就业等多方面的复杂问题。教师和家长只是最为显现的相关群体。他们也是被一只看不见的手操纵着,这就是为什么一谈起课业负担问题他们也无奈地说是迫不得已的原因。  所以,中小学生的课业负担过重的问题显得特别复杂。一件仿佛人人都参与的错误,结果却是人人都无奈。这情形正如法国著名作家莫罗阿曾写过的一段话:“在此剧变的时代,若将人类行动加
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