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这篇文章所提供的材料说明,在电厂设计,特别是电厂现场布置中,如何贯彻以农业为基础的思想,是一个极为重要的问题。同样一个电厂,在现场布置设计中贯彻了以农业为基础的思想,作了修改以后,就节约了农田四千一百六十亩,劳力三十二万多个工,钢材四百吨,投资五十八万多元。这不仅对支援农业,而且对多快好省地进行电站建设,都有重大意义。如何才能正确地在设计中贯彻以农业为基础的思想呢?这篇支章也给出了一个正确答案。这就是从党的方针政策出发,在设计工作中,采取深入现场,深入实际,进行调查研究,走羣众路线的工作方法。关门搞设计是不行的。上海电力设计院不但从理论上认识以农业为基础的重要性,并且组织工作组到现场,一面亲眼看看实际情况,一面和县委、公社党委、干部及农民共同商量,听取他们的意见,在少占农田、少用农村劳力的原则下,从实际出发,对原设计方案进行了必要的修改,现场布置中许多疑难问题,顺利地得到了合理解决。我们认为,这是克服设计工作中的主观主义、脱离实际、违犯政策的一个重要方法。 The material provided in this article shows that how to implement the idea based on agriculture in the power plant design, especially in the site layout of the power plant, is an extremely important issue. In the same power plant, the idea based on agriculture was implemented in the site layout design. After the modification, 4160 acres of farmland were saved, more than 320,000 labors were used, and 400 tons of steel were invested. More than 580,000 yuan. This is of great significance not only to support agriculture but also to build power stations more quickly and economically. How can we properly implement the idea of ​​agriculture in the design? This chapter also gives a correct answer. This is based on the party’s principles and policies. In the design work, it takes in-depth field work, in-depth practice, investigation and research, and the working methods of the mass line. Closing the door to design is not enough. Shanghai Electric Power Design Institute not only theoretically understands the importance of agriculture as its foundation, but also organizes the working group to the site to take a close look at the actual situation and to consult with the county party committee, the party committee of the communes, the cadres and the farmers, and listen to their opinions. Under the principle of less farmland and less use of rural labor, starting from the actual conditions, the original design plan was modified as necessary, and many difficult problems in the site layout were smoothly resolved. We believe that this is an important way to overcome the subjectivism in design work, to break away from reality, and to violate policies.
(一) 自从中央发出关于“开展一个手工操作机械化半机械化的全民运动”的号召以后,全江大部分单位已经行动起来,并且初步取得了一定的成绩。通过大搞机械化、自动化,大搞经
鞍山市机械制造厂职工在全民办电运动中,创造了用烘炉余热代电的方法获得成功。一台利用烘炉余热带动20瓩的汽力机,满足了一台烘炉加热的部件铸造 Workers of Anshan Machi
桶匠  蟑螂是桶匠。  桶匠桶匠,像我崽样。小街上的细把戏走过蟑螂的铺子都要大唱。  还没有唱完,就有一块废木皮唰地飞出来,白白黄黄的。紧接着,一声恶骂也随之飞出来,少家教的嘞——  似乎还有晶亮的口水飙出来,人并不追出门,没有工夫。  蟑螂的桶匠手艺属祖传,据说已是第五代上头。由于是老牌子,所以生意也不错。远近的人都来打桶子,当然还打脚盆跟马桶,等等。生意是好,只是蟑螂发愁,愁什么鬼呢?愁第六代
樺川发电厂由于认真执行了党的方針政策,及时学习和推广了各兄弟厂的先进經驗,重视了技术管理工作,从而保持了890天的长期安全生产。下面談一談我們的几点作法: 坚持政治挂