
来源 :湖北气象 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huayuaneee
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长阳属武陵山南岭余脉,地势西高东低,山峰林立,立体气候明显,对发展椪柑生产极为有利。尤其是高坝洲、隔河岩两大水电站建成后,水体面积增大,峡谷暖区有所扩大,从而对清江两岸椪柑生产的气候生态环境带来较大的改善。1 椪柑在柑桔中属比较耐低温的品种,比甜橙耐寒,在-8℃低温下仍能成活。两大电站建成后,库区面积增大,水体效应明显,清江两岸冬季变暖,有利椪柑安全越冬。2 椪柑适宜生长发育要求≥10℃积温5000~5500℃。据实地考察,≥10℃积温长阳城关镇为5200~5400℃,中部流域段的刘坪为5300~5500℃,西部流域段为5400~5600℃。因此,椪柑适宜种植在隔河岩以上,次适宜种植区在高坝洲以上。随着库区形成,水体增大,水体效应增强,其发展范围可适当扩大。 Changyang Wuling Mountain is the South Ridge, the topography of West High East low, lush peaks, three-dimensional climate is obvious, the development of ponkan production is extremely beneficial. Especially after the completion of the two major hydropower stations in Gaobazhou and Geheyan, the area of ​​water body has been enlarged and the warm gorge area has been enlarged, thus greatly improving the climatic and ecological environment of the citrus fruits produced on both sides of the Qingjiang River. 1 Citrus fruit is a relatively low temperature resistant variety in citrus, which is more resistant to cold than orange and can survive at a low temperature of -8 ℃. After the completion of the two major power stations, the area of ​​the reservoir area has increased, and the effect of water bodies has become obvious. The two sides of Qingjiang River become warmer in winter, contributing to the safe wintering of ponkan. 2 Citrus suitable growth and development requirements ≥ 10 ℃ accumulated temperature 5000 ~ 5500 ℃. According to field investigation, ≥10 ℃ accumulated temperature Changyang Chengguan Town is 5200 ~ 5400 ℃, the central basin Liu Ping is 5300 ~ 5500 ℃, the western basin of 5400 ~ 5600 ℃. Therefore, it is appropriate to grow ponkan above Geheyan, and the second most suitable planting area is above Gaobeizhou. With the formation of the reservoir area, the water body increases and the water body effect increases. Its development scope can be enlarged appropriately.
近来,宣传文明礼貌的标语随处可见。一日偶然发现一幅标语上的“貌”字写成了“貌”,当时我内心有些责怪书写者的粗心,没想到后来竟然发现许多标语上的‘统’ Recently, sl
本文提出一种基于公共RAM的单片机之间数据并行通讯的方法。实践证明,本并行通讯接口具有结构简单、灵活和数据交换速度快及占用单片机设计短的特点。 This paper presents a