积极伸向农村办学 为农村社会主义建设服务

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党的十三届五中全会要求全党全国各行各业重视农业、支援农业、发展农业。农业是国民经济的基础,在人口多、耕地少、人均资源相对不足的困难条件下,改变我国农村落后面貌,保持农业持续稳定发展,加速农业现代化进程的根本出路,在于使农村建设真正转到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质的轨道上来。在广大农村,粮食进一步高产需要科学知识,乡镇企业的发展需要新技术,经验型的传统农业劳动者要逐步向技术型、经营型转变,农民迫切要求学习掌握科技知识、管理知识和经营知识,所有这些的关键在于把农村教育搞好。 The Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Party demands that all walks of life in the entire party and the country attach importance to agriculture, support agriculture and develop agriculture. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. Under the difficult conditions of a large population, less cultivated land and relative lack of resources per capita, the fundamental way to change the backwardness of rural areas in our country, maintain the sustainable and stable development of agriculture, and accelerate the process of agricultural modernization consists in turning rural construction into real Rely on scientific and technological progress and improve the quality of workers up the track. In the vast rural areas, further scientific and technological knowledge is needed for further grain production, new technologies are required for the development of township and village enterprises, and traditional agricultural laborers who are experienced should gradually change their technology and management style. Peasants urgently need to learn and master scientific and technological knowledge, management knowledge and management knowledge, The key to all this is to improve rural education.
银行对中小企业的贷款期限太短了,或者说长短的匹配太差了,要让企业在成长过程中的营养跟上。 Banks for SMEs loan period is too short, or the length of the match is t
一 中小学学业负担过重问题,是当前媒体和社会各方关注、研究的热点,它不仅仅是教育问题,也是个社会问题,关系到民族的兴衰、社会的发展。它作为我国教育长期未能解决的难题,其症
1996年5月11日 ,李岚清同志在湖南汩罗考察基础教育时说 :“一个好校长带一批好老师 ,就能办出一所好学校。”可见 ,在办学管校的过程中 ,校长的作用是多么重要。尤其是在当今基础教