艰苦创业谋发展 谱写边疆新华章

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德宏地方税务局成立11年来,在省局、州委、州政府以及各县市(区)党委政府的正确领导下,弘扬了“团结奋斗、艰苦创业”的地税精神,依法治税、从严治队,促进了德宏地税事业的长足发展。分设11年来,全州地税系统共征收地方税费收入21.83亿元。地方税收入占全州地方财政一般预算收入比重,从1994年自350.2%上升到2004年的69.4%,地方税收对直接增加德宏地方财政收入发挥了越来越重要的作用。11年来,德宠州地税系统依法治税进程不断推进,纳税环境得到不断改善;以信息化建设为依托的征管改革迈出坚实步伐,征管质量和效率不断提高;加大培训力度,干部队伍综合素质不断提高;党风廉政建设工作不断深入;精神文明建设取得新的突破,涌现出了一大批先进集体和先进个人,目前,全州地税系统累计获得省、州、县级“青年文明号”和“文明单位”46个,受各级党委政府和各级地税部门。表彰的先进集体340个、先进个人1000多人次,有两名干部获得“全国税务系统先进工作者”、“云南省级先进工作者”以及“德宏州第三届十大杰出青年”、“云南省精神文明建设先进个人”等项荣誉称号。特别是我局在2004年全省 In the 11 years since the founding of Dehong Local Taxation Bureau, under the correct leadership of the provincial bureaus, state governments, state governments and party committees and governments of all counties (cities, districts), it has promoted the “local taxation” of “unity and hard work” , Strict management team, promoted the great development of Dehong taxation business. Divided 11 years, the state land tax system levied a total of 2.183 billion yuan of local tax revenue. Local tax revenues accounted for the proportion of the state budget general revenue in Quanzhou, which rose from 350.2% in 1994 to 69.4% in 2004. Local tax revenue has played an increasingly important role in directly increasing the local revenue of Dehong. Over the past 11 years, the state pet tax system has been continuously promoted in accordance with the law, and the tax environment has been continuously improved. The reform of tax collection and administration based on informatization has taken a solid step forward with the continuous improvement of the quality and efficiency of the collection and management. Greater training has been given to the integration of cadres At the present time, the statewide tax system has been granted provincial, state and county-level “Youth Civilization” numbers “And ” civilized unit “46, by the party committees and governments at all levels and local tax departments. In recognition of the advanced collective of 340, more than 1,000 advanced individuals, two cadres won the ”advanced worker of the national tax system“, ”Yunnan advanced worker“ and ”Dehongzhou third Outstanding Youth “,” Advanced Spiritual Civilization Construction in Yunnan Province "and other honorary titles. In particular, my bureau in 2004 in the province