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毛泽东同志指出:“领导者的责任,归结起来,主要的是出主意、用干部两件事。”邓小平同志强调:“党要管党,一管党员,二管理干部。”“党的领导机关除了掌握方针政策和决定重要干部的使用以外,要腾出主要的时间和精力来做思想政治工作,做人的工作,做群众工作。”江泽民同志指出:“党委要发挥总揽全局、协调各方的作用。”这都是对党委职责的最精炼、最高度的概括,是党要发挥核心领导作用的最集中的体现。领导干部首先必须在管全局、把方向、议大事、用干部、抓落实上下功夫。只有把全局管住了,方向把准了,大事弄清了,干部用活了,落实抓好了,才能做到有条不紊。要做到这一点,应努力在把握方向、确定思想、谋划布局、检查落实四个方面做好工作。 Comrade Mao Tse-tung pointed out: “The responsibility of the leader can be summed up mainly by the idea of ​​using cadres and two things.” Comrade Deng Xiaoping emphasized: “The party must control the party, one party and two management cadres.” “The party’s leading organs In addition to mastering the guidelines and policies and deciding on the use of important cadres, we must spare no effort in ideological and political work, work as a man, and do mass work. ”Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out:“ The party committees must give full play to the overall situation and coordinate the efforts of all parties Role. ”This is the most refined and supreme summary of the party committee’s responsibilities and is the most concentrated manifestation of the party’s core leadership. Leading cadres must, first of all, be in charge of the overall situation and make efforts in the direction and in discussing major issues and in using cadres and implementing them. Only when the overall situation is controlled, the direction is taken, the events are clarified, the cadres used to live, and the implementation is done well, can we be methodical and orderly. In order to do this, efforts should be made to grasp the four directions of direction, determination of thinking, planning and layout, inspection and implementation.
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