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老孙是个私营企业厂长,这几年企业办得挺红火,村里人都说老孙有财运,发财的事都让他遇上了。听到这话,老孙总是嘿嘿一笑。几个月前,又有一件大好事让老孙遇到了,可这次他却摊上了一场官司。2002年9月3日,一头惊牛连窜带蹦闯进了老孙的厂子里,几名工人见了连忙关厂门,周旋几次才抓住牛,拴了起来。工人随即通知了老孙。老孙出来一看,是头奶牛,肚子还挺大,像是怀着小牛呢。他可乐了;心想好事又让我给碰上了,连牛带犊子,值不少钱呐……老孙一声吩咐,把牛拴在了厂门口的树上。没承想,不大工夫,放牛人找进了厂子。他对老孙一再感谢,把惊牛走失的来龙去脉讲了一遍,然后就要把牛拉走。老孙不干了,他说,这牛是厂里工人费了老大的劲才逮着的,怎能说声谢谢就牵走呢?老孙向放牛人提出得意思意思,可他提出的好处费数儿太大,而且不容回嘴,放牛人无奈,回去找牛的主家去了。这家的男主人老李当时不在家,两个钟头以后才急匆匆到老孙厂里去领奶牛。等他们赶到时,连老孙在内的人都傻眼了:拴在门口树上的奶牛不见了。两拨人一起急着四处去找,也没找到。老孙觉得自己尽心了,只是为 Sun is a private factory manager, enterprises have done quite a few successful years, the village people say grandchildren have wealth, fortune made him meet. Hear these words, always smiling Hey. A few months ago, there was another great event for Sun to meet, but this time he got a lawsuit. September 3, 2002, a scared cattle even channeling with jumped into the factory of the grandchildren, several workers saw the door quickly closed factory, dealt with several times to seize the cattle, tied up. The worker then informed the grandchildren. Look out the grandchildren, is the first cow, stomach is quite big, like with calf it. He cola; thought good and let me run into it, and even calf calf, worth a lot of money ... ... Sun Sheng soon gave orders to tether the cow in the tree at the factory gate. Did not think, not a long time, put cattle into the factory. He repeatedly expressed his thanks to his grandchildren, told the origin of the horror cow disappeared again, and then we should take the cow away. The grandchild quit, he said, this cow is the factory worker took the boss’s strength to catch, how can you say thank you on the pull away? The grandchildren to put forward meaning, but he proposed a few benefits Too large, but can not answer back, put cattle helpless, went back to find the main cattle home. Lao Li, the male owner of the family, was not at home at the time, and hurried to the Census factory to collect cows two hours later. When they arrived, even the grandchildren, including dumbfounded: tied to the tree in the door of the cows disappeared. Two people together urgently looking around, did not find. Frats feel good, just for