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1.当前施肥水平很低,实际施肥面积占耕地面积的10—28%。垧均施肥最,旱田1lm~3,水田多则15.5m~3,少则不过5—6m~3。旱田地区普遍好于水田区,其施肥系数相差1倍以上。论肥料质量,掺土量约2—3倍,富含有机质。肥度比当地耕土层高3—4倍。 2.肥料分配,由于积肥数量不足,无法全面合理实行轮地、轮作物施肥,而主要因作物施肥。在现有施肥水平条件下要全面合理轮施肥,其周期年限,旱田区需要3—4年,水田区则需要10—15年之久。 3.农家肥施用量在减少,化肥在渐增,结果农肥和化肥的氮素比值水田地区已接近0.9∶1,已经构不成“以有机肥为主……”的肥料结构。在当前缺少磷肥源的情况下,只有增施农家肥才能把氮磷比值降低到1∶1.5左右,使之适宜于我地区土壤养分状况和作物营养所需适宜比值。 4.肥源积攒率,大、小畜粪尿最高达60—90%以上,人粪尿积攒率最低6.2—28%,各肥源总平均积攒率在各队之间相差不少。在20—30%的高、低之间相差一半,说明肥源潜力很大,如果加强积肥造肥工作,就有可能把现有施肥水平能翻一番或翻两番。 5.肥源应以农家肥为主,与地方自然肥源(秸秆还田、绿肥)相结合,建立稳定合理的肥源结构。 6.造肥方法,一般采取春季造“四合一”肥,夏季积坑沤肥,秋冬搞暖心肥,多以“四合一”堆肥为普遍,以小肥造大肥,省工保肥好。 7.积肥报酬和肥料价格均偏低。 8.实行土地包干责任制,对施肥培肥地力的措施应从政策上加以研究解决。 1. The current level of fertilization is very low, the actual area of ​​?? 10-28% of arable land.垧 are the most fertilization, upland 1lm ~ 3, paddy fields as much as 15.5m ~ 3, but then 5-6m ~ 3. Dryland areas generally better than paddy fields, the fertilization coefficient difference of more than 1 times. On the quality of fertilizer, about 2-3 times the amount of soil, rich in organic matter. Fertilizer than the local topsoil 3-4 times. 2. Fertilizer allocation, due to lack of fertilizer, can not be fully and reasonably implemented round, round crop fertilization, and mainly due to crop fertilization. Under the current fertilization level, it is necessary to roundly and rationally rotate fertilizers. The period of the cycle is 3-4 years in the dry land area and 10-15 years in the paddy field area. 3. The amount of peasant fertilizer is decreasing, and the fertilizer is increasing. As a result, the ratio of fertilizer to fertilizer is close to 0.9: 1 in the paddy field, and the structure of fertilizer with “mainly organic fertilizer ...” has not been constructed. In the current lack of phosphate fertilizers, only by increasing manure can reduce the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus to about 1: 1.5, making it suitable for my area of ​​soil nutrients and crop nutrients required for the appropriate ratio. 4. Fertilizer accumulation rate, large, small livestock excrement up to 60-90%, human urine accumulation rate of 6.2-28% minimum, the total average rate of accumulation of fertilizer between the teams a lot of difference. In the high and low 20-30% of the difference between half, indicating a great potential fertilizers, fertilizer and fertilizer to strengthen the work, it is possible to double the level of existing fertilizers or quadrupled. Fertilizer should be based on farmyard manure, and the local natural fertilizer (straw, green manure) combined to establish a stable and reasonable fertilizer structure. 6 fertilizer methods, generally take the spring to create “four in one” fertilizer, summer pit pit fertilizer, fall and winter to engage in warm heart and fat, mostly “four in one” compost is common to small fat man-made fat, it is good. 7. Fertilizer compensation and fertilizer prices are low. 8. The implementation of land contract responsibility system, fertilizers and fertility measures should be from the policy to study and solve.
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“叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当……”时间飞逝,转眼间圣诞节又要到了。虽然这是一个西方的节日,但近几年已经越来越受到国人的喜爱,尤其是年轻人更是乐在其中。开 Party、吃大
一、定位高端市场的 RD400芯片RD400从一开始就定位于高端市场,原因就在于其采用了 CrossFire 技术。在规格上,可支持采用 LGA775封装的 Pentium 4和 Pentium D 处理器,最高