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国务院于今年六月二十七日发出通知,在全国进行一次第三产业普查工作,并召开电话会议,作了动员和部署。为切实做好这项工作,现将我省贯彻意见通知如下:一、加强宣传,提高认识。第三产业普查是继人口普查、工业普查以后的又一次重大国情国力调查。开展这次普查,有助于摸清第三产业的底数,为制订第三产业发展的规划和政策提供全面详实的基础资料,推动我省第三产业更好更快地发展。这次普查,是建国以来的第一次。要努力开展第三产业和第三产业普查知识的宣传,利用各种 The State Council issued a circular on June 27 this year to conduct a nationwide census of tertiary industries and hold a conference call for mobilization and deployment. In order to effectively do this work, we now inform the implementation of opinions in our province as follows: First, to step up publicity and raise awareness. The survey of the tertiary industry is another major national survey of the national conditions since the census and the industrial census. Carrying out this census will help to find out the base of the tertiary industry, provide comprehensive and detailed basic information for formulating plans and policies for the development of the tertiary industry, and promote the better and faster development of the tertiary industry in our province. This census is the first time since the founding of the People’s Republic. Efforts should be made to promote the knowledge of the census of the tertiary industry and the tertiary industry and make use of various kinds
1介绍具有收敛扩张面积变化规律的拉瓦尔喷管(Laval Nozzle)可将亚声速流动加速到超声速,在航空航天推进系统中具有广泛应用,因此拉瓦尔喷管实验是航空宇航推进理论与工程
采用PIV(particle image velocimetry)技术,对凹腔供油位置不同时凹腔内的冷态流场进行对比研究.通过分析不同来流速度对腔内涡的形成及其稳定性的影响,从而研究不同供油位置
作为国际民航组织七个地区办事处之一的亚洲、太平洋两区合署办事处座落在机场与市区之间,距曼谷国际机场和闹市 SUKHUNVIT 路的国宾宾馆各12公里,与秀丽的 CHATUCHAK 公园
为改善我市交通紧张状况,经国务院批准立项,市人民政府决定兴建地铁三号线工程。现将工程建设前有关社会经济普查的事项通告如下: 一、普查范围为该工程用地范围及其沿线。