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南水北调工程是21世纪我国实现水资源优化配置最具挑战性的基础设施工程。工程范围广,涉及大半个中国,横跨13个省市;工期长,全部工程将持续10年;耗资巨大,工程静态总投资共计4616亿元;商机诱人,除了工程本身蕴藏的直接商机外,还有其对沿线经济拉动力所催生的间接商机,其中中线工程完工后,每年将给华北地区带来800亿元的经济效益。南水北调战略决策的实施,既给农发行业务发展创造了广阔的市场机遇,同时也有同业竞争方面的压力和挑战。可以预见,工程沿线各级农发行如果在服务南水北调工程中抢抓机遇、创新策略、积极营销,就一定能为农发行的新业务可持续发展奠定坚实的基础。本世纪国家三大工程之一的丹江口南水北调坝体加高工程已于2005年正式动工。2006年3月,农发行湖北省十堰市分行根据低风险贷款管理办法,探索与地方政府合作的路子,解决了移民搬迁难的问题,化解了土地“生化”难题,推动了工程的建设进程。该贷款项目的实施,是农发行充分发挥政策性金融和地方政府优势,形成整体支农合力,构建和谐移民新村,服务国家重点工程的一次有益尝试和探索,无疑将会对当地农业和农村经济发展产生持续而巨大的推动作用。 South-to-North Water Diversion Project is the Most Challenging Infrastructure Project for Realizing Optimal Allocation of Water Resources in China in the 21st Century. The project covers a wide range of areas, involving more than half of China, across 13 provinces and cities; long duration, all the projects will last 10 years; costly, static total investment of 461.6 billion yuan; attractive business opportunities, in addition to the project itself contains direct business opportunities , As well as its indirect business opportunities that are motivated by the economic drive along the route. After the completion of the midline project, it will bring 80 billion yuan of economic benefits to North China every year. The implementation of strategic decision-making in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project not only opens up vast market opportunities for the development of the ADBC, but also stresses and challenges in the horizontal competition. It can be predicted that if the ADBC ​​at all levels along the project seize the opportunities, innovate strategies and actively markete in the service of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, they will surely lay a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the new business of the ADBC. This year, one of the three major national projects, the Danjiangkou South-to-North Water Diversion Project was officially started in 2005. In March 2006, the Agricultural Development Bank of China branch in Shiyan City of Hubei Province explored ways of cooperation with local governments based on low-risk loan management measures, solved the problem of relocation of immigrants, solved the problem of “biochemistry” of land and promoted the process of project construction. The implementation of this loan project is a useful attempt and exploration by the ADBC ​​in giving full play to the advantages of policy-oriented finance and local governments and forming a whole new village for supporting agriculture, building a harmonious new village and serving the state’s key projects, and will undoubtedly exert great influence on the local agricultural and rural economy The development has a sustained and tremendous impetus.
运气好与幸福是两回事。一个人唯有经历过磨难,对人生有了深刻的体验,灵魂才会变得丰富,而这正是幸福最重要的源泉。如此看来,我们一生中既有运气好的时候,也有运气坏的时候,这恰恰是最利于幸福的。现实中的幸福,应是幸运与不幸按适当比例的结合。  在设计一个完美的人生方案时,人们不妨海阔天空地遐想。可是,倘若你是一个智者,你就会知道,最美妙的好运也不该排除苦难,最耀眼的绚烂也要归于平淡。原来,完美是以不完美