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1877年已认可缩瞳剂与视网膜脱离及视网膜裂孔的关系。缩瞳剂如何引起裂孔的机理也有许多解释,可能是诱发玻璃体-视网膜的牵拉,但尚无佐证。作者以高鉴别能力的超声波生物测定仪对一位推测为缩瞳剂诱发的视网膜裂孔患者间接地测定其玻璃体-视网膜牵引,结果肯定了玻璃体-视网膜牵引对于缩瞳剂诱发视网膜裂孔的重要性。患者女性61岁,左眼有闪光及点线黑影,此前被告知有青光眼,用2%毛果芸香硷液点眼每日4次。既往有轻糖尿病,间接眼底镜检查发现在周边部2时位有一中等大马蹄形裂孔,停用毛果芸香硷,从球结膜外冷凝视网膜裂孔。6周后, 1877 has approved the miosis agent and retinal detachment and retinal breaks relationship. There are many explanations for the mechanism by which miotic agents cause holes, which may be the result of the pulling of the vitreous-retina without evidence. The authors determined indirectly the vitreoretinal traction of a presumed miotic-induced retinal tear in a highly discriminating sonoblotter, confirming the importance of vitreoretinal traction for miotic-induced retinal breaks. The patient, 61 years old, had a flash of light and a dark line in his left eye, which had previously been told to have glaucoma, which was spotted 4% daily with 2% pilocarpine. Previously, there was mild diabetes mellitus, and indirect ophthalmoscopy revealed a moderately large horseshoe-shaped hole at the periphery of 2, discontinued pilocarpine, and condensed retinal tears outside the conjunctiva. After 6 weeks,
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嫂子临终时告诉妹妹一定要在大年初一这天来连队和战士们一起过年,为战士唱歌,不要让战士们白白等了一年,战士们戌边卫国实在是太辛苦了。 Sister-in-law told her sister
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