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一、先农坛的历史沿革先农坛的修建与封建王朝的祭祀制度紧密相关。明永乐初年在营建北京城的同时,城外也开始了规模宏大的天坛和山川坛的修建工程,其中山川坛正是先农坛的前身。从城市规划角度来看,先农坛处于北京城南北中轴线上,在修筑之初本在城圈以外,这一位置暗示出先农坛在明清北京城整体设计规划中的地位——以中国都城的发展脉络视之,南郊通常是都城礼制建筑组群的规划范围。明嘉靖三十二年(1553)修建都城外城墙后,先农坛才被圈入北京城外城之内。从传统意义上来讲,都城南郊的礼仪性 First, the history of the altar of agriculture The construction of the altar of agriculture and feudal dynastic worship system is closely related. Ming Yong early in the construction of Beijing city at the same time, outside the city also began a large-scale construction of the Temple of Heaven and Mountain altar, which is altar of altar is the forerunner of Xiannongtan. From an urban planning point of view, Xiannongtan is located on the north-south axis of Beijing. At the very beginning of its construction, it was outside the city circle. This position implies that Xiannongtan was in the overall design and planning of Beijing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties - The capital of the development process of view, the southern suburbs of the city is usually the planning group of ritual buildings. Ming Jiajing thirty-two years (1553) after the capital city wall was built, the first agricultural altar was encircled within the city outside the city of Beijing. In the traditional sense, the ceremonial nature of the southern suburbs
高校党的建设要适应形势发展的需要,坚持社会主义的办学方向,就必须努力创新,真正做到思想上不断有新解放,理论上不断有新发展,实践上不断有新创造。 In order to meet the
本研究修订了国外的元认知问卷和元担忧问卷,以523名在校大学生为对象,采用问卷调查法,探讨了大学生的元认知(尤其是与元担忧)与焦虑的关系,主要得到以下结论:   (1)翻译
文章就桥梁桩基施工的质量控制进行分析,供行业人事参考借鉴。 The paper analyzes the quality control of bridge pile foundation construction for the reference of th