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  London Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥
  London Tower Bridge is over the Thames River in London, opened on June 30, in 1894. It is the most distinctive1 of London’s bridges and is one of best bridges in the world. The total length of the bridge is half a mile. It is a double-deck bridge. The lower is the roadway with a width of 35 feet and the higher is a footway 12.5 feet wide.
  Big Ben大本钟
  Big Ben is at the northern end of the House of Parliament. It is one of London’s most famous landmarks. It was completed in 1859. The tower is 320 feet high and the clock is 23 feet wide, more than 13 tons in weight.
  Buckingham Palace白金汉宫
  Buckingham Palace is the permanent2 residence of the Queen. In the Palace there are many art works. It’s open for two months each summer.
  The Tower of London伦敦塔
  The Tower of London is located on the northern bank of the Thames River. It was built in 1078. It was used as a fortress3, royal residence, and state prison in its early years. Today it is open to the public. The well-preserved4 Norman and medieval structures cover nearly 18 acres.
  Westminster Abbey威斯敏斯特大教堂
  People spend eight years building Westminster Abbey. It has one of the best choirs5 in the Britain. At the top of it, people can see most of London.
一、该结构的句法功能    “wh-词 不定式”主要用作宾语:    We must think what to do. 我们必须考虑怎么办。    I can’t decide whom to invite. 我不能决定该邀请谁。    He had no idea of how to do it. 他不知道如何做此事。    除用作宾语外,还可用作主语、表语等:    When to leav
作为当今美国影坛最成功的独立影人之一,理查德·林克莱特拍过各种题材的电影,但他的拿手好戏当属他对“时间”这个概念的把玩。他最为人熟知的电影要数“爱在”三部曲—《爱在黎明破晓前》(Before Sunrise,1995年)、《爱在日落黄昏时》(Before Sunset,2004年)和《爱在午夜降临前》(Before Midnight,2013年)。电影里只有男女主角在不断讲话,限时一天,其特别之处
适合话题:角度;思考;设身处地  一次,孔子打算去外地办事,但原本晴朗的天没过一会儿却变得乌云密布,接著就下起了倾盆大雨。  孔子的马车恰好没有伞盖,于是一个学生建议他向卜商借一把伞盖。孔子想了想,说:“不可。”学生不解:“卜商曾是您的学生,向他借一把伞盖有何不可?”  孔子说:“『、商不像其他学生,他是个小气之人,如果他把伞盖借给我,心里必然难受;如果不把伞盖借给我,由于我是他的老师,众人定会指
Life in Egypt enjoys a quite extraordinary continuity with the past, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been huge changes. There have.   In the year 391 AD, the Roman Emperor, Theodosius, issued a d
1、主语和谓语基本保持单复数的一致,即:主语是可数名词单数或不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式:如:The computer was a great invention.(计算机是个了不起的发明)The water in the glass is very cold.(玻璃杯里的水很冷)   2、集体名词(如family, class, team, group, row, police, scho
While the presidential election was taking place in the house of representatives, amid scenes of great excitement, strife andintrigue, which was to decide whether jefferson or burr should be the chief
让人念念不忘的深夜美食  夜已经深了,学习了一天,你是不是很累呢?周围的世界慢慢安静下来,思绪也渐渐平和,眼皮子有些睁不开了。此时的你,是不是想立马钻进被窝进入甜蜜的梦乡呢?咦,肚子好像有点儿饿,睡不着了,要不,去厨房弄点儿深夜美食?  深夜美食,听起来带着几丝抚慰心灵的味道,美好的感觉扑面而来。这期私房菜,我们就来聊聊“深夜美食”这个话题吧!  萌萌:香喷喷的孜然炸土豆  闭上眼睛,想一道深夜美
Covet not a gold-threaded robe,  Cherish only your young days!  If a bud open, gather it,  Lest you but wait for an empty bough.  勸君莫惜金缕衣,  劝君惜取少年时。  花开堪折直须折,  莫待无花空折枝。