Rheological Characterization of Shale – Mud Interactions

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  1 Department of Geology, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
  2 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.
  *Corresponding author.
  Received 16 October 2011; accepted 18 December 2011
  In a bid to identify a best drilling fluid for a problematic oil field in the Niger Delta region, rheological tests were carried out on three mud samples; BW1, BW3 and BW4. The results affirm that the load bearing capacity of XP-07 formulated as BW3 and BW4 in this investigation is excellent and fall within the same range or even better than those of REF Mud with a more than 90% drilling success history in Niger Delta. The rheological changes of XP-07 with increase in temperature and “assimilated”microscopic shale particles are very negligible and smaller than those of REF mud. XP-07 has been strongly recommended for all drilling operations in the problematic field. It has been re-emphasised as part of our recommendations that new guidelines for the close monitoring of drilling fluids supplied by mud companies and those actually used in the field (during drilling) be put in place.
  Key words: Shale – mud interactions; Rheological characterization; Niger delta
  Mud properties are generally affected by the amount of shale “assimilated” during drilling (Akpokoje, 1994; Emofurieta & Odeh, 2007). Increase in operational temperatures and pressures with depth usually lead to changes in the rheological properties of any mud system(Emofurieta, 1999, 2001). However, the resistance to change depends on the inherent properties of the respective mud systems (Omole et.al, 1989). Satisfactory performance of a mud is sometimes aided through the use of viscosifiers a lot of which degenerate and become non-effective under higher down-hole temperatures, meanwhile operational costs are jacked up into unusually prohibitive levels (Darnley and George, 1988, Falode et al, 2008). For avoidance of this, it is professionally better to drill with muds (which are compatible with the shales and of good thermal resistance and stability (SPDC Report, 1999). The degree of influence on the properties of the mud by formation rocks which in this case are the shales is assessed by observed changes in rheological parameters such as apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity (PV), filtration loss, gel strength yield point (YP), load bearing capacity and density before and after interaction with shale under varying thermal conditions (R & D, NNPC, 1990). In this investigation, all the properties listed above (except density) were measured. The mud systems evaluated here include BW1, BW3 and BW4. A reference mud (REF) was used as control and for comparative purposes.
  PROCEDURE: 165 ml of the mud (previously sheared for 30 minutes) was poured into the sample cup to reach its scribe line (or liquid mark) and placed on the support plate. The support plate was then raised up until the rooter sleeve was completely immersed to its own drawn line and tightened into position with a lock and a screw.
  The “apparent viscosity” of the mud as indicated by the dial reading with the sleeve rotating at 600, 300, 200, 100, 6 and 3 rpm were measured at 76oF, 120oF, 160oF, 180oF, and 200oF using a viscometer. The measurements were repeated for each of the mud systems after the addition of 10gm and 20 gm respectively of -200 mesh mildly ground Tuns shale. At the end of each run, the mud was decanted and the solid (i.e. shale) deposited at the base of the sample cup was washed with acetone, dried and weighed and expressed as a function of load bearing capacity at high temperatures. The plastic viscosity (PV) in centipoises was calculated as the 600rpm reading minus the 300rpm reading while the yield point (YP) in Ibf/100 ft2 equals the 300rpm reading minus the plastic viscosity. The boiling temperatures of the muds and mud + clay mixtures were also recorded. The mud weight and water salinity were measured prior to commencement of the rheological readings. The results are presented in Table 1 while the graphical representations are provided in Fig.1.
  Table 1
  Rheological Properties from Low to High Temperature of Mud-Shale Solution

  The results are presented in Tables 1a – 1b and Figs. 1a– 1d. Generally, all the mud systems show very similar rheological characteristics. For example, the apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity, yield point and to some extent the gel of all the mud systems decrease with increasing temperature being slightly more so in the Ref. Mud than BW3 and BW4 as depicted by the higher gradient of the REF curve in the Apparent viscosity versus Temperature plots presented in Figure 1a. This clearly suggests that BW3 and BW4 are thermally more stable than the Ref. Mud. The percentage decrease in the 600 rpm of BW3, BW4 and Ref. Mud between the temperature range of 80oF and 220oF are 58%, 47% and 64% respectively while the corresponding decrease in 300 rpm are 54%, 40% and 62% respectively(Table 1a and Figure 1a). All the mud systems including the REF boil at between 200oF and 220oF although these boiling temperatures are expected to increase under downhole pressure conditions (Weber, 1975).

  Figure 1a

  Figure 1b

  Figure 1c

  Figure 1d
  Figure 1
  1a. Plot of Yield Point Against Temperature; 1b. Plot of Viscosity Against Temperature; 1c. Plot of Viscosity, Yield Point and Gel Strength Against Temperature; 1d. Plot of Viscosity, Yield Point and Gel Against Temperature
  Table 2
  Rheological Properties from Medium to High Temperature of Mud-Shale Solution

  Shale Effect: In Figs.1b – 1d and Table 1b- 1d, the effect of adding 10gm and 20gm of different shale powder(-200 mesh) to the mud clearly indicate differing degrees of increases in the apparent viscosity of the mud systems. At room temperatures (i.e. 80oF), BW3 shows an increase of 10 rpm (i.e.9%) for 10 gm OG and 39 rpm (i.e. 35%) for 20gm OG. 10gm OP recorded 23 rpm (21%) increase while 20gm OP increased the apparent viscosity of BW3 by 15 rpm (13%). On the other hand, the apparent viscosity of BW4 increased by 17 (15%) with the addition of 10gm OG. 20gm OG did not have any significant effect. With 10gm OP, there was an increase of 19 rpm (17%) and 53 rpm (47%) with 20gm OP. The apparent viscosity of the REF mud changed by 17 rpm (15%) with 10gm OG, 31 rpm (28%) with 20gm OG, 27 rpm (25%) with 10gm OP and 47 rpm (43%) with 20gm OP. At 180oF, BW3 increases in apparent viscosity are 7 rpm which is 12% with the addition of 10gm OP and 21 rpm (37%) with 20gm OP. BW4 increases by 6 rpm (11%) with 10gm OG, 25 rpm (45%) with 20gm OP. The REF mud increased by 5 rpm (10%) with 10gm OG, 13 rpm or 27% with 20gm OG, 9 rpm (19%) with 10gm OP and 12 rpm(25%) with 20gm OP. The shales did not affect the boiling temperatures of the muds (Weber and Daukoru, 1975).
  All the plastic viscosities fall within the same range and also show systematic decreases with increase in temperature. However, the yield point (YP) of REF mud are significantly lower than those of BW3 and BW4. Consequently, the YP/PV of the REF are generally lower than one. API requires that the YP/PV of the mud be one or greater than one normally. This disparity is explicitly demonstrated in Fig 1d and Tables 1a – 1b. The gel strengths of BW3 and BW4 are also advantageously higher and fall within the expected range. The above analyses obviously prove BW3 and BW4 as better muds than the REF. That is not to say that REF is not a good mud, rather, that BW3 and BW4 are better favoured by all rheological considerations (Maron, 1969).
  Gel Strength: Gel Strength is the direct measurement of the load bearing capacity or the ability of the mud to hold cuttings in suspension during connections or trips as well as continuously suspend weight material in the well. Gel strengths also have direct bearing on the swab and surge pressures created while pulling out of or going down the whole with the pipe. It is a determinant of the initial pump pressure required to break circulation (Murat, 1970).
  The initial 5-, 10-, 15-, 30- and 60- minute gel strengths as well as the corresponding 30- minute values were all measured. The results in respect of BW1, BW3, BW4 and REF samples are presented in Table 2. The gel values are also presented in Table 1. Gel strength values of BW3 and those of the REF samples are identical. BW4 values are 10-35% higher than those of BW3 and REF. BW1 was below detection limit in all cases. This general trend is in conformity with the rheological parameters of both the pure muds as well as the mud plus shale mixtures. The above comparative analysis clearly identifies BW4 as the best formulation.BW3 and the REF samples are also good and would perform creditably well except to re-emphasis that BW4 belongs to a higher class with better rheology and thixotropy. BW1 is comparatively similar to an unweighted KCL water-base mud both of which are probably of lower grade.
  Load Bearing Capacity of the Mud Systems: The relative load bearing capacities of the mud systems under investigation have already been insinuated from earlier discussions above. However, a direct estimation or measurement of the proportion of 12gm of fresh shale cuttings that can be held in suspension by the various mud samples was carried out in a dynamic state at room temperature and 200oF. The results are presented in Fig.1b. BW3, BW4 and the REF Mud held 100% of the ditch cuttings in suspension. BW1 (RG2) dropped nearly everything while another REF sample (RG1) held 61% of the ditch cuttings at room temperature but dropped everything at 200oF.
  These results tally with the respective plastic viscosities, gel strengths and the thixotropic properties of the muds in general both under ambient and down –hole conditions. The load bearing capacities of the mud are expected to be enhanced by more than 80% under the influence of the mud pumping machine. An excellent oil well drilling mud must of necessity possess relatively high load bearing capacity to enable it evacuate ditch cuttings from the well during drilling(Emofrurieta & Odeh, 2010a).Failure to do so invariably results in bottom piling/ sedimentation which can lead to stuck pipe and financial losses(Emofurieta & Odeh, 2010b). To that extent, BW3 and BW4 are adjudged very suitable mud systems and strongly recommended for drilling operations in the troublesome oil fields.
  The results of the detailed investigation of the mud and mud + shale interaction of XP-07 has revealed that the mud BW3 and BW4 have very suitable rheological properties both under ambient and high Temperature/Pressure conditions. They are thermally more stable and less responsive to the effect of assimilated shale during drilling. Their load bearing capacities are comparable with that of the REF mud with more than 95% drilling success in Niger Delta.
  Thus, XP-07 (BW3 and BW4) is hereby strongly recommended for use by the Oil producing company in Niger Delta drilling operations without the slightest reservation provided good drilling habits are maintained and necessary precautionary measures are taken.
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当我与壮阔、秀美的天山天池面对面地站立着,我被它那宽广的胸怀所折服,劲风拂面、血脉喷张,大有青山碧水任我游的豪情。 一顷碧波沿着山势汹涌而下,由于落差太大,水流激起巨大的浪花和着轰鸣声,声势浩大的俯冲下来直逼游人,让人呼吸急促、透不过气来。如果靠近了想用相机捕捉它的英姿定会惹得你满身湿透甚是狼狈,切切感受到这天池瀑布带给你的清凉与激情!  喀纳斯湖,是一个坐落于阿勒泰山高山密林中的高山湖泊,带着对
赌,由“贝”和“者”组成,意即“用财物做注比输赢”或“想获得财物的人”,似欲不劳而获。因此人们对与"赌"有关的没有太多好感,动辄想到赌棍、赌徒、赌鬼。可我们在香港影视片中还能看到赌王、赌圣的风采,他们往往物我两忘,不为钱财,不为名利,赌技高超,给人的感觉:赌,是一门艺术。  细细想来,赌不仅仅只与经济有关,生活中其实充满了“赌”,赌处处在,时时有。  春秋战国时期的吕不韦出身商贾世家,从事国际贸易
现在是2046年7月28日,今天是我退休的日子。  早晨我起得很早,并反复认真核对了手机上的时间,甚至我还数次揪红了自己手背上的肉。工作40年了,往日仿佛就在弹指一挥间,快得我都有些无法相信。  我的家庭医生阿萌早早地守护在了床头为我做每日例行健康检查,当东风总医院把这种机器人家庭医生推出的时候,做为医院员工的我有幸成为了第一批购买者,于是10年了,她一直都是这样忠实地一丝不苟地守护着我和家人的健
这里名医荟萃,妙手云集,誉满荆楚,声振寰宇;   这里医风古朴,医德高尚,救死扶伤,慈悲济世;   这里历经烽火,饱经沧桑,几度风雨,而今正阔步向前;  这里就是享誉中外的全国百佳医院、国家三级甲等医院——东风总医院  东风总医院,鄂西北大地一颗璀璨明珠,荆楚杏林的一朵魅力奇葩!  良禽栖佳木,人兴事业兴.杏林翘楚,医学泰斗云集于此。他们为东风总医院的发展不遗余力,鞠躬尽瘁。全国“白求恩奖章”获得
多少痛苦,多少遗憾,  多少泪水与失落的纠缠;  学习的道路并非一帆风顺,  却为了能够守护那生命的尊严;  即将别离了母校,  理想的帆在荒滩搁浅;  是东风总医院的招聘。  再次把我的激情点燃!    这里有一代大师的风范,  他带领着团队攻克了一道道医学难关;  这里有精湛的技术与丰富的经验,  曾经挽救过多少濒危患者,  谱写过多少生命新篇:  这里流传着多少爱心的故事,  每一个都是那样
发表在《东风》2007年第6期的《一棵老树》(作者张泽雄),是我很喜欢的一首抒情诗。在我的阅读里虽然读诗的时间并不多,但我似乎总在寻寻觅觅着,当遇到我喜欢的诗时,常感到眼前一亮,它使我愉悦,使我兴奋,引我思索,不忍释手。我读《一棵老树》时,就是这样的心情。  作者所写的一棵老树,并不是一个很新鲜的意象,但却写得有新意,有韵味,有吸引力。全诗5节,每节11行,诗句虽有长有短,但从大体上看,于“自由”
一死老头子溜了    昨天晚上说好了的,今天全家一起包饺子;死鬼老头子大清早拿着钓鱼竿就溜了,到现在还不见人影。钓钓钓,天天钓,钓他的脑袋,不知什么迷魂汤迷住了他的心窍。  一家四口走了一个还有三个。这位满腹怨言年近六旬的家庭主妇是死鬼老头子的妻子,叫许瑞兰,那个仪表堂堂的小伙子是他们的儿子叫高信,另一个冰清玉洁的俊俏姑娘,身份有些特殊,她叫许婷芳,是许瑞兰的外甥女,死鬼老头子叫高天乐。  在家的
近年来,面对钢铁原材料不断涨价和主机配套产品不断降价的不利因素影响,东风汽车车轮有限公司紧紧围绕以市场为导向,以业绩提升为主线的经营思路,通过连续几年在不断改善经营、加快发展、夯实基础管理上作文章,使经营业绩稳步提升,今年1~11月份,该公司实现产销各类车轮合成370多万套,同比增长9%,实现息税前利润同比增长40%,企业生产经营步入良性循环。    推行目标责任管理提升全员执行力    近年来,
加强干部作风建设是贯彻落实科学发展观的必然要求,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求,是提高党的执政能力、保持党的先进性的必然要求,是开展反腐倡廉工作的必然要求。胡锦涛同志在中央纪委第七次全会讲话中强调了八个方面的良好风气,我认为胡锦涛同志的重要讲话,深刻阐述了加强领导干部作风建设的极端重要性和紧迫性,是企业党委在新的历史条件下、是各级党组织当前和今后一个时期的重大任务。    一、领会精神实质,深刻