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  Like everyone else in my graduating class, I had watched the economy turn from bad to worse during my senior year. We graduates had degrees, but very limited prospects[前景]. I packed up my car and drove to Southern California to find work. But what I thought would take a week dragged[拖] into two, and then four, and 100 job applications[申请] later, I found myself in the exact same spot as I was before.
  You know that feeling when you wake up and you are just consumed with dread[恐惧]? Days felt like weeks, weeks like months, and those many months felt like an unending eternity[永恒] of destitution[穷困].
  So what did I do to maintain my sanity[神志正常]? I wrote. Something about putting words on a page made everything seem a little clearer—a little brighter. I channeled my frustration[沮丧] into a children’s book. Beyond the River was the story featuring a little fish who simply refused to give up on his dream.
  And then one day, I was offered a publishing contract for my first book! After that, things slowly began to fall into place. Things change. If you work hard, give it time, and don’t give up, things will always get better. Our dreams lie in wait[隐蔽静候] just a little further upstream...all we need is the courage to push beyond the river.
Say my name like it’s the last time  Live today like it’s the last night  We want to cry but we know it’s alright  ’Cause I’m with you and you’re with me    *Butterflies, butterflies, we were meant to
Set yourself free from anything that might hinder[阻碍] you in becoming the person you want to be. Free yourself from the uncertainties about your abilities or the worth of your dreams, from the fears t
也许你觉得父亲不够爱你,因为每次跌倒,第一时间来到你身边轻声细语安慰你的都是母亲,而父亲只是在一旁严词厉色地命令你站起来。但如果你足够仔细,你就会发现他的声音中透出的丝丝颤抖和焦急。不是父爱不够深,而是它的含蓄和内敛蒙蔽了我们的双眼,让我们错过了其中的深沉。用心去体会,你会发现你所拥有的比你想得到的要多得多。    A young man was getting ready to graduate
On the 28th and 29th of May, 1960, the region known as Ausseerland held its first Narcissus[水仙] Festival as a spring celebration. The   annual Narcissus Festival has since become a highlight of the sp
A baby mole[鼹鼠] got to feeling big,  And wanted to show how he could dig;  So he plowed[犁耕] along in the soft, warm dirt  Till he hit something hard, and it surely hurt!  A dozen stars flew out of his
无论是正在为学业挑灯夜读,还是已经入读大学,以下几部电影你都不可错过。它们讲述了每个人必须经历的那段年少轻狂的岁月。也许不是每一个人都能拥有灿烂的中学生活,但我们至少可以看看这些电影,感受与回味当一个年轻人的苦与乐。    American Graffiti 美国风情画(1973年)    Ron Howard’s注1 look at teenage life in the early 60’s
过去的游戏大作总是以动辄上G的大容量和夸张的画面音效为噱头,资深玩家对理念简单的休闲游戏不屑一顾——如今几乎所有人都听说过或者玩过《植物大战僵尸》和《愤怒的小鸟》,不少电脑族的机子上还常备着十几个不同类型的小游戏,好打发零碎的时间,而日益便利的智能手机以及移动平台也让这股休闲游戏热有愈演愈烈的趋势……  今天你玩了吗?    I’m about to race a tiny, digital ca
I turn the music up  I got my records on  I shut the world outside  Until the lights come on  Maybe the streets alight[点亮的]  Maybe the trees are gone  I feel my heart start beating  To my favorite son