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  Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany, but she made history by becoming the first female Chancellor of Germany. She was elected to the German 1)Parliament from a state in northern Germany and has been chairwoman of the Christian Democratic Union since April, 2000. Because the Christian Democratic Union doesn’t operate in Bavaria, which is in the southeast and geographically the largest state in Germany, its role is played by the Christian Social Union. Merkel was chairwoman of both the Christian Democratic Union and the Christian Social Union parliamentary party group from 2002 to 2005.
  In 2007, Merkel was President of the European Council and Council of the G8, which is an international forum for the governments of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. She played an important role in the 2)negotiation of the Treaty of Lisbon and the Berlin Declaration. In domestic policy, health care reform and problems concerning future energy development have been the major issues during her 3)tenure.
  Considered as one of the most powerful women in the world, Merkel is only the third woman, after Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and Kim Campbell, the 19th Prime Minister of Canada, to serve on the G8. In 2007, she became the second woman, again after Margaret Thatcher, to chair a G8 Summit.
  Merkel has been compared by many to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and has been referred to as “Iron Lady,” “Iron Girl” and “the Iron 4)Frau.”
  Thoughtful but persistent, she strives to reach her goals. In foreign policy she’s balanced Germany’s close relations with the U.S. and the necessity of cooperation with Russia.
  If 5)gradualism becomes too 6)persuasive, she’ll run the risk of becoming7)stagnant. She’ll push reform to the point of 8)inevitability, softening her determination by 9)unobtrusiveness and an 10)aura of competence. Merkel has become increasingly comfortable with using her power. She has raised issues concerning human rights, trade, environmental protection, and combating climate change and poverty.
  She’s been accused of having a plain appearance, but this hasn’t stopped her from becoming a role model for many people.
  Chancellor Angela Merkel has topped a list of the most powerful women in the world for two years running. Business women across the world have performed strongly over the last few years, and Merkel is a superb example of that.
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