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  语音:美式发音 适合泛听
  关键词:pandas, competition, preserve
  Pandas are the rock stars of the animal kingdom, drawing crowds and cameras to their every move. So it’s no surprise a global competition to serve as a “pandassador” (or panda ambassador) is intense. Winners get to spend a month in China working closely with these endangered animals.
  The contest attracted 61,000 entries from 52 countries. The 1)payoff for this contest is to help 2)preserve the wild panda and publicize its 3)plight. But these 4)captive pandas live a life of relative 5)luxury. They eat bamboo for 10 hours a day and sleep for an additional 12.
  Caring for the pandas is the job of a dozen contest finalists at southern China’s Chengdu Panda Reserve. They’re 6)vying for six spots, learning how to make panda 7)protein pies and literally showering the objects of their affection.
  Ashley: This is just so amazing! Dreams can come true, kids, they can.
  The only American contender, Ashley Robertson, has loved pandas since she was a little girl in Alabama.
  Ashley: And when I came across this contest, I thought, “Oh, my gosh, golden opportunity…right here…in my hands.”
  The finalists have become Chinese media darlings. In this country, the panda 8)craze is as clear as black and white. There’s the panda car, panda luxury cigarettes, and yes, here, even “man’s best friend,” is repainted as China’s favorite animal.
  Just 1,600 pandas still exist in the wild. 9)Conservationists hope the contest 10)hoopla will draw attention to the giant bear’s shrinking forests, with the hope that this rare animal’s siblings will have a chance at a future in the wild.
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