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  Ladies and gentlemen of the convention:
  My name is Geraldine Ferraro. I stand before you to 1)proclaim tonight: America is the land where dreams can come true for all of us. As I stand before the American people and think of the honor this great convention has 2)bestowed upon me, I recall the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who made America stronger by making America more free. He said, “Occasionally in life there are moments which cannot be completely explained by words. Their meaning can only be 3)articulated by the 4)inaudible language of the heart.” Tonight is such a moment for me.
  My heart is filled with pride. My fellow citizens, I proudly accept your nomination for Vice President of the United States.
  And I am proud to run with a man who’ll be one of the great Presidents of this century,5)Walter F. Mondale. Tonight, the daughter of a woman whose highest goal was a future for her children talks to our nation’s oldest party about a future for us all. Tonight, the daughter of working Americans tells all Americans that the future is within our reach, if we’re willing to reach for it. Tonight, the daughter of an immigrant from Italy has been chosen to run for [Vice] President in the new land my father came to love.
  Last week, I visited Elmore, Minnesota, the small town where Fritz Mondale was raised. And soon Fritz and Joan will visit our family in Queens. Nine hundred people live in Elmore. In Queens, there are 2,000 people on one block. You would think we’d be different, but we’re not. Children walk to school in Elmore past 6)grain elevators; in Queens, they pass by subway stops. But, no matter where they live, their future depends on education, and their parents are willing to do their part to make those schools as good as they can be. In Elmore, there are family farms; in Queens, small businesses. But the men and women who run them all take pride in supporting their families through hard work and initiative. On 7)the 4th of July in Elmore, they hang flags out on Main Street; in Queens, they fly them over Grand Avenue. But all of us love our country, and stand ready to defend the freedom that it represents.
  By choosing a woman to run for our nation’s second highest office, you send a powerful signal to all Americans: There are no doors we cannot unlock. We will place no limits on achievement. If we can do this, we can do anything.
  Tonight, my husband, John, and our three children are in this hall with me. To my daughters, Donna and Laura, and my son, John Jr., I say: My mother did not break faith with me, and I will not break faith with you.
  To all the children of America, I say: The generation before ours kept faith with us, and like them, we will pass on to you a stronger, more just America.
  Thank you.



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