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辽宁省海城市水泵厂,座落在辽东半岛的腹地。它如同一块超性能的磁铁,吸引着四面八方、天南地北的国内外用户,使这美丽富饶的小镇闪烁出迷人的光彩。不只是订货,许多人怀着一颗好奇心访问这位闻名遐迩、众口传颂的人物——戴喜东。他是一位土生土长满身泥土味的农民企业家,从步入社会的第一天起就想为农民做点事,谋利益。56岁的戴喜东,斩钉截铁式的作风,深邃而炯炯有神的眼睛给人们留下深刻的印象。特别是他那古今中外、文史哲经的广博知识,使接触他的人无不心悦诚服。他在企业管理、企业经营的殿堂上,精雕细刻,不断求索。 Liaoning Haicheng Pump Factory is located in the hinterland of Liaodong Peninsula. It is like a super-magnet that attracts users from all over the world, from all parts of the world, to the beautiful and fertile town. Not just orders, many people visit this well-known and publicly-acclaimed person Dai Xidong with a curiosity. He is a peasant entrepreneur who is born and soiled with mud. From the first day he entered the society, he wanted to do something for the peasants and seek benefits. The 56-year-old Dai Xidong, with his ironclad style, deeply impressed people with his vivid eyes. In particular, his extensive knowledge of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign languages, the history, philosophy, and philosophies made the people who touched him feel confident. In the halls of enterprise management and enterprise management, he is meticulously and constantly seeking.
Ni-based self lubricating composites containing four different amounts of silver were prepared by powder metallurgy(PM) route.The room temperature friction and
【摘要】多媒体辅助历史教学,使学习方式变得多种多样,学习内容变得生动有趣。为了充分发挥多媒体计算机辅助历史教学的优势,更好的提高课堂教学效果,笔者建议在历史教学中使用多媒体要恰到好处。  【关键词】多媒体 历史教学 整合  【中图分类号】G633.51 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)01-0167-01  多媒体计算机辅助历史教学,可以集中优秀的教育教学经验,使学习方
Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology in medicine and is a revolutionary area in medical diagnostics and therapeutics using nanoscientific materials
FM Global于2015年7月公布了一项更有效的仓库防火技术,通过减少喷头数量、降低系统的用水量可显著降低成本支出。该项技术是FM Global历时3年,通过大量开源火灾数值模拟、水
It is found that 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin(TPPS),which is known to form J aggregates in water under low pH value,acts as a template for t
2009年9月16日至20日,中国国际信息通信展在北京举行。在通信展上,除了比拼3G应用,移动、联通和电信这三家中国运营商还不约而同地在“物联网”(Internet of Things)的概念上