全国第七次桃品种研讨会于 1999年8月 26日至29日在北京召开,来自全国各有关科研机构、大专院校和生产单位的45位代表出席了会议,会议共收到论文49篇。《果树科学》编辑部副主编赵凤琴研究员也参加了会议。 会议由全国桃育种协作组主持,协作组成员单位江苏省农
The 7th National Seminar on Peach Varieties was held in Beijing from August 26 to 29, 1999. Forty-five representatives from relevant scientific research institutions, tertiary institutions and production units across the country attended the conference and 49 papers were received at the conference . Zhao Fengqin, associate editor of “Fruit Tree Science” editor also attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by the National Peach Breeding Collaborative Group and its member units in Jiangsu Province