China’s BeiDou System to Expand Cooperation Globally

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  Out of the trillions of stars in the universe, the Big Dipper is the most shining one. Over the past 20 years, Chinese aerospace industry has been working hard on its own to deploy the outer space of China’s BeiDou. Now, the completed network deployment of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3) not only makes China the third country in the world that owns an independent global navigation satellite system, but also offers a high-quality choice to countries all over the world for navigation and positioning services.
  China’s BeiDou: higher precision to serve the world
  On July 31, 2020, BDS-3 was officially launched to provide global services, which means that this satellite network composed of 30 satellites constructed by China independently becomes another system that can provide high-quality navigation and positioning services for the world after the GPS of the United States. Compared with the GPS and other satellite navigation systems, BeiDou system has its characteristics and advantages.
  Unlike navigation systems such as the Americans’ GPS, the Russians’ GLONASS, and European Union’s Galileo that invariably use single orbit satellites to deploy their network, China’s BeiDou is unique for it adopts three kinds of orbit satellites to form a hybrid navigation network. The BDS-3 system consists of 3 tilted geosynchronous orbit satellites, 24 medium circle earth orbit satellites and 3 geosynchronous orbit satellites. Such network design integrates the advantages of different orbits, which not only achieves global coverage and global services, but also ensures higher precision positioning in the Asia-Pacific region or in special environments (such as inaccessible areas).
  In addition to the basic timing and positioning functions of the navigation satellite system, BeiDou system can also provide the special service functions, such as short message communication, precise point positioning and satellite-based enhancement, which is of great values in special environments (ocean, desert, remote mountain, polar region), disaster relief and other conditions.
  Although we may not know much about its technical sophistication, BeiDou system has been integrated into our daily life by providing us with well-known services. For example, the services of map navigation, bike-sharing and express mail checking that we use every day have long been inseparable from the signals provided by the BeiDou satellites. In addition, BeiDou system has a great role to play in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industry, transportation, hydrological monitoring, weather forecasting, geographic mapping, forest fire-prevention, power dispatching, emergency search and rescue and other fields.   Driven by key sectors such as transportation and bike-sharing, BeiDou application products have been widespread in use, with prices rapidly reduced. According to media reports, the unit price of BeiDou chips of the simplest positioning function has dropped greatly to RMB 6-10 yuan, and its performance has risen to or even higher than that of similar products in the world. Consequently, the competitiveness of BeiDou products has been significantly enhanced.
  BeiDou expand cooperation to ASEAN
  China’s BeiDou is also BeiDou of the world. In the process of raising BeiDou from a “regional satellite navigation system” to a global satellite navigation system, China has spared no effort to promote the “going global” of the BeiDou system. “BeiDou products have been exported to more than 120 countries and regions, providing services to more than 100 million users,” said Ran Chengqi, Deputy Chief Designer of BeiDou Satellite Navigation System and Director of China Satellite Navigation Office.
  One of the preferred directions for China’s BeiDou system to “go global” is ASEAN, which, with a geographical environment similar to that of south China, are covered by the first phase project of the system. In addition, the precision of China’s BeiDou system is higher than that of the GPS in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in the ASEAN region, with better anti-interference capability as well. Therefore, ASEAN countries are very interested in carrying out technical cooperation with China on BeiDou.
  With the BDS-2 in services for the Asia-Pacific region in 2012, Myanmar’s Ministry of Agriculture purchased some 500 high-precision BeiDou terminals from China in 2013, which marked the first time that BeiDou high-precision products were applied in agricultural data collection and precision land management.
  “Compared with the manual mapping on the ground in the past, the clarity and authenticity of the maps made by satellite data are greatly improved. The data can also be directly imported into the software, which is convenient,” said the Administrative Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture Land Management and Statistics of Ministry of Agriculture of Myanmar.
  After the purchase of the BeiDou equipment by the Ministry of Agriculture of Myanmar, many departments of the country, including the Ministry of Transport, made the same purchase and application. Ministry of Transport of Myanmar uses BeiDou equipment to survey and map the waterway and dam conditions of the Irrawaddy River to formulate a complete river protection plan; the vessel-mounted BeiDou terminal products provide various services for Myanmar fishery regulatory authorities and Myanmar fishermen, including vessel positioning supervision, fishing catch reporting and weather disaster notification. For years of application, the BeiDou equipment with its advanced nature has been well received by users in Myanmar.   The success of BeiDou products in Myanmar is an epitome of China’s BeiDou stepping into ASEAN. At present, the “circle of friends” of China’s BeiDou system covers at least eight ASEAN countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, etc., where the BeiDou navigation system has been applied in various fields such as mapping, engineering construction, environmental monitoring, investigation and research, smart city construction, disaster prevention and relief, etc.
  Apart from the ASEAN region, China is actively engaged in international cooperation with countries and regions along the Belt and Road, a China-sponsored program for win-win outcomes. It also shares with other countries the achievements of BeiDou development and promotes the BeiDou system to be actively incorporated into the international system and world industry standards. It works with the US GPS, the Russian GLONASS and European Union’s Galileo to provide better services to users around the world. With the completed deployment of the BDS-3 global navigation satellite system network, China’s BeiDou, which is active in the international arena, will be well known by more people.
  More than product export
  As a global public infrastructure, the BeiDou satellite navigation system sees its “going global” attempts not only the export of single products or parts, but also the exchange and cooperation in technology, services, talents, industry and other aspects.
  Back in 2013, China’s Wuhan Optical Valley BeiDou Holding Group Co., Ltd., which is committed to promoting the “going global” of the BeiDou system, built the first batch of overseas ground-based augmentation system base stations (to assist the high-precision application of the BeiDou system) in Chonburi Province, Thailand, and also carried out the application system development and demonstration application of BeiDou intelligent transportation, marine fishing vessels and intelligent industrial park in Thailand. In 2015, the “China-ASEAN BeiDou Science and Technology City” jointly built by the company and Thailand has not only become a BeiDou application service platform for ASEAN, but also developed into a BeiDou industry development platform for ASEAN. Du Li, the then General Manager of Wuhan Optical Valley BeiDou, told that the company would continue to seek more international scientific and technological cooperation with ASEAN countries, which covers cooperative construction of base stations, joint technology research and development, joint product development, joint venture promotion and application, personnel training and exchanges, etc.   It is worth mentioning that China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, a bridgehead of China-ASEAN cooperation and a platform for the CAEXPO and the China-ASEAN Information Harbor in recent years, has played a significant role in deepening the China-ASEAN satellite navigation cooperation. Taking the implementation of Guangxi BeiDou Comprehensive Application Demonstration Project as an opportunity, Guangxi has carried out a series of programs such as BeiDou application promotion, technical exchanges, education and training for ASEAN countries, established the China-ASEAN satellite navigation international cooperation alliance, promoted the implementation of China-ASEAN BeiDou intelligent industrial parks, China-ASEAN BeiDou / GNSS (Nanning) center and other cooperation projects, effectively stimulating the development of the BeiDou system in ASEAN.
  Now, with the BDS-3 global satellite navigation system formally commissioning, it becomes an irresistible trend that BeiDou system will “go global” in a wider range. However, we should also be fully aware that the future of the BeiDou system in its “going global” efforts will not be a smooth path, faced with the market competition of the existing satellite navigation system, the security considerations of partners themselves and the rise of anti-globalization in international trade. However, as the Chinese saying goes, strong grass survives wind force. With its inherent core high technology, wider application and competitive price edge, BeiDou will undoubtedly has more confidence and strength than ever in carrying out its “going global” ambition.
“这里有更多人想变成马云,而想变成扎克伯格的人很少。”在东南亚的创业圈中,流传着这样一种说法。正如10年前,中国想要往硅谷的方向去发展那样,如今,当电子商务热潮在东南亚以烽火燎原之势迅速燃起时,许多企业家也希望像马云那样,通过接轨电商打开国际市场的大门。  对于这一变化,东南亚中小企业的感受可以说尤为强烈。近年来,随着互联网在东盟各国的迅速普及,越来越多中小企业开始思考如何接轨电商;如何通过新模式
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Although the epidemic sweeping the world has forced the logistics corridors in many regions to pause, the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor under the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration
2018年,注定是不平凡的一年。有经济学者说,2018年的全球经济表面上“繁荣靓丽”,实则“暗流涌动”。单边主义、保护主义抬头,对当前国际政治经济秩序构成严重挑战,地缘政治斗争依然紧张……无怪乎有人说,2018年也许是过去10年最差的一年,但也可能是未来10年最好的一年。  即便如此,中国的经济发展仍取得了可圈可点的成绩。总的来看,2018年国民经济继续运行在合理区间,实现了总体平稳、稳中有进。不
在中国南宁航洋国际城5楼的钦州保税港进口商品直营店的货架上,摆满了来自世界各地的“舶来品”,人们从中可以找到白咖啡、乳胶枕、榴莲酒、水果干、果冻、特色膨化小零食等地道的“东盟制造”。  这些产品的货主不是大型跨国贸易商,而是东盟国家的许多中小企业。东盟中小企业在东盟国家商业生态中占据非常大的比重,但在过去,他们在海外市场的竞争中时常有心无力。  如今站在中国—东盟中小企业贸易促进平台(CASTPP
无论是发展中国家还是发达国家,都正面临或曾经历过中小企业融资难的问题。尤其是在2008年金融危机之后,贸易保护主义泛起,企业出口受阻,生产成本上升,中小企业融资难的问题更加凸显。  对于近年来互联网实现了跨越式发展的东南亚来说,随着政府增加了对中小企业和金融科技公司的支持,银行和其他金融机构合作的深化,各方携手应对数字经济时代新形势,帮助东南亚中小企业实现其最大的增长潜力,将是非常有意义的。  中
In the digital age and present context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), we often hear about “big data” and the “Internet of Things (IOT),” which to some, may sound highly technical and virtu
“中国愿同东盟一道,共同落实好《中国—东盟关于进一步深化基础设施互联互通合作的联合声明》,推动实施一批陆上、海上、天上、网上互联互通重点项目。加快中老铁路、印尼雅万铁路、中泰铁路、中新(重庆)战略性互联互通示范项目及其南向通道等项目建设。”在第15届中国—东盟博览会开幕大会上,中国国务院副总理韩正的话掷地有声。  东博会自2004年举办以来,便不断发挥自身资源优势,为中国与东盟各国加速互联互通搭建
中国农历春节刚过,广西钦州港火车东站迎来了第1200列进出班列。它是广西最年轻的火车货运站,建站才4年。但自西部陆海新通道(以下简称新通道)建设以来,它已经成为中国西部多地货物经海铁联运发往东盟的重要一站。奔驰的班列载着南来北往的货物,仿佛也载着中国西部地区进出口贸易发展的累累果实。  据中国南宁海关2019年2月14日发布的数据显示,2018年,云南、贵州、四川、重庆经广西口岸对东盟进出口额增长
2019年中国两会政府工作报告首次在推动共建“一带一路”的内容中,提出了拓展第三方市场合作,即在加强与“一带一路”沿线国家两两合作的同时,推进中国、投资所在国和发达经济体及其他经济体企业之间的第三方合作,实现互利共赢。  与传统的对外投资合作不同,第三方市场合作在与“一带一路”建设相融相长的进程中,逐渐形成了其自身独有的特点,这从官方提及第三方市场合作的诸多文本中亦有体现。  首先是空前包容的外交