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正当2008年的奥运火炬从5月4日开始在国内传递时,国内童装著名品牌杰米熊公司将幻化成为一名奥运精神传递的使者,与奥运火炬同行,出现在全国各地火炬所到之处。 Just as the 2008 Olympic torch relay passed from May 4 in China, the famous domestic children’s clothing company Jamie Xiong will turn into an ambassador of the Olympic spirit transmission, traveling with the Olympic torch and appearing everywhere in the country where the torch goes. .
第十二届国际现代工厂/过程自动化技术与装备展览会(2008 FA/PA),和第十二届工业自动化与控制技术展览会暨第十二届中国国际传感器,测试测量技术展览会(IAC,TIME+SENSOR 2008
Approved by the government authori-ties concerned,TIANJING ASSO-CIATED EXCHANGE opened recentlybased on the former three exchanges,i.e.TIANJING METALS EXCHANGE
The rapid development of China’s non-ferrousmetals industry has laid a solid foundation forher involvement in the international trade ofnon-ferrous metals.Chi
STATE Vice—President Rong Yiren toldan international corporate conferencein Beijing that China has become a vitalmarket for world investors. STATE Vice—Pres
“姜太公”的爱情  我当兵的第一站是在武警福建总队医院,训练我们的连长名叫吴成才,年过三十还是个快乐的单身汉。当时,总队医院位于福州市螺洲镇,靠着闽江。平日闲下来的时候,吴成才喜欢一个人来到江边钓鱼,钓鱼过程中,他时而神情淡定,时而快乐地哼着歌儿,我们极少看到他钓到什么鱼儿,但即便一无所获,他收竿归来时,也总是眯缝着眼睛,一副悠闲自在喜获丰收的模样儿。  总队医院女护士特别多,我们就问吴成才为啥没
Hunan province is famous as the“HomeTown of Nonferrous Metals”, Thisis because in six nonferrous metals,itsproduction in tonnes of content inconcentrates,is
Exports of Zhuzhou Smelter(Hunanprovince)in the first quarter of thisyear were USD 16. 55 million, 25, 000tonnes in total,including lead,zinc,bismuth,indium in