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时下,上海等一些大中城市有为数不少的商人在经营着一种奇怪的买卖,用他们的行话叫做“跳楼”生意,即以销售价低于进货价的手法倾销商品。这种蚀本的买卖,何以能维持生计?揭开其奥妙,原来贩卖者在进货时仅支付给提供货源的厂家30%左右的预付款,其 Nowadays, there are quite a few businessmen in Shanghai and other large and medium-sized cities who are running a strange type of business. They use their buzzwords to describe the “jumping” business, that is, selling goods at a price lower than the purchase price. How can this kind of erosion and sale be able to maintain its livelihood? It reveals its mystery. Originally, the vendor paid only about 30% of the advance payment for the suppliers who provided the goods when purchasing goods.
Mr.Zhang Hauruo Minister ofMinistry of Interior Trade appealledfor curbing shifting speculative capital tononferrous metals futures business inNovember,1994.qu
1993年──德国纺织机械蓬勃销售的一年1993─AGoodYearfortheGermanTextileMachineryIndustry¥//1993年,德国纺织机械生产和出口均较之上年有较大增长。这信息是由VDMA(德国纺织机械制造商协会纺织部... 1993 - A year of vigorous sales of Ge
第十二届国际现代工厂/过程自动化技术与装备展览会(2008 FA/PA),和第十二届工业自动化与控制技术展览会暨第十二届中国国际传感器,测试测量技术展览会(IAC,TIME+SENSOR 2008
Approved by the government authori-ties concerned,TIANJING ASSO-CIATED EXCHANGE opened recentlybased on the former three exchanges,i.e.TIANJING METALS EXCHANGE
The rapid development of China’s non-ferrousmetals industry has laid a solid foundation forher involvement in the international trade ofnon-ferrous metals.Chi