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除了股票和工资,几乎所有的东西都在涨。在钢材价格温和上涨的情况下,工程机械企业普遍能通过内部挖潜、提高劳动生产率等方式化解成本上升的压力。但2008年以来,工程机械行业面临的是钢材、原油、电力价格大幅上涨,物流运输费用不断增加的形势,这对企业转移成本压力的能力构成挑战。根据调查反馈的信息,2008年上半年,卡特彼勒、沃尔沃、小松、日立、现代、柳工、厦工和常林等几乎所有的工程机械企业都上调了产品价格,涨价幅度在2% ̄10%不等。然而,这样的上涨幅度并不能完全缓解成本上涨的压力,尤其对于那些利润本来就不高的行业,例如装载机,涨价的可能性依然存在。部分企业已明确表示,此番涨价风波并未完全平息,适当的时机,企业还会考虑进一步提价。一时间,行业内外“涨”声一片。 In addition to stocks and wages, almost everything is up. With steel prices rising moderately, construction machinery enterprises can generally offset the pressure of rising costs through internal tapping of potential and improvement of labor productivity. However, since 2008, construction machinery industry is facing the steel, crude oil, electricity prices rose sharply, logistics and transportation costs continue to increase the situation, which is the ability of enterprises to transfer cost pressures posed challenges. According to the feedback from the survey, in the first half of 2008, almost all construction machinery enterprises such as Caterpillar, Volvo, Komatsu, Hitachi, Hyundai, Liugong, Xiamen Engineering and Changlin raised their prices by 2% ~ 10% range. However, such a rate of increase does not completely relieve the pressure of rising costs. In particular, the possibility of price hikes still exists in industries that do not have high profits, such as loaders. Some companies have made it clear that this time the price fluctuations have not completely subsided, the appropriate time, companies will consider further price increases. For a time, both inside and outside the industry “rose ” sound one.
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