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为产品制定较高的销售价格历来被企业视为险途,一旦不慎,可能会使企业已经取得的市场份额迅速萎缩甚至被挤出市场。因而,企业在面临激烈的市场竞争时,首先想到的几乎总是降价促销,而结果却往往是两败俱伤、血本无归。但是:也有一些厂家却能够反其道而行之,打破常规高价竟销而大获全胜,并从此走上全盛之路。新产品的取质定价策略美国雷诺公司曾将生产的园珠笔,作为圣诞礼物投入市场,时逢二战后市场货物奇缺,人们需要好礼品,因此,园珠笔成为抢手货。当时每支笔的生产成本只有0.5美元,而公司卖给零售商的价格为10美元一支,零售商以20美元一支的价格卖出,使公司和零售商都大获收益。新产品投放市场初期的价格定得很高,可保证投产初期的高额利润,随着销售量的逐步扩大或生产成本的逐步降低,再行逐步降价。当新产品科技含量很高,其它厂家难以仿制或投产,市场上没有任何替代产品时使用该策略,会使企业在很短的时期内收回新产品的研究和开发费用、减少经营风险。况且对于新产品,人们缺乏消费经验,往往以价论质,造成产品质量高,够档次的好印象。移位定价策略 The development of higher sales prices for products has traditionally been regarded as a risk to the enterprise. Once inadvertently, the market share that the company has achieved may quickly shrink or even be squeezed out of the market. Therefore, when companies face fierce market competition, the first thing they think of is almost always a price reduction promotion, but the result is often a lose-lose and a failure. However, there are also some manufacturers who are able to do the opposite, breaking the conventional high price and selling it and winning a full victory, and then embark on the road to prosperity. Pricing strategy for new products: US Reynolds once put the ball-point pen produced on the market as a Christmas gift. There was a shortage of goods in the market after World War II, and people needed good gifts. Therefore, the ball-point pen became a hot commodity. At that time, the production cost of each pen was only 0.5 US dollars, and the company sold the retailer at a price of 10 US dollars, and the retailer sold it for a price of 20 US dollars, so that the company and retailers have received huge profits. The initial price of new products put on the market is set very high, which can ensure high profits in the initial stage of production. With the gradual expansion of sales volume or the gradual reduction of production costs, prices will be gradually reduced. When the technological content of new products is very high, and other manufacturers are difficult to imitate or put into production, the use of this strategy when there are no alternative products on the market will enable companies to recover the research and development costs of new products and reduce business risks in a very short period of time. Moreover, for new products, people lack consumer experience, often relying on price, resulting in high product quality and a good impression of grade. Shift pricing strategy
我国的能源消耗随着经济的发展而不断的增高,尤其是建筑行业,从而导致我国资源短缺形式愈发的严重。本文就分析了南沙档案信息展览中心的绿色建筑设计。 China’s energy co
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