The Bad Kangaroo

来源 :今日中学生(初二版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianxu36966688
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  There was a small Kangaroo(大袋鼠)who was bad in school. He put thumbtacks(图钉)on the teacher’s chair. He threw spitballs(唾沫弄湿的纸团)across the classroom. He set off firecrackers(爆竹)in the lavatory(厕所)and spread glue(撒胶水)on the doorknobs(门扶手).
  “Your behavior(行为,举止)is impossible!”said the school principal(校长). I am going to tell your parents what a problem you are!
  The principal went to visit Mr and Mrs Kangaroo. He sat down in a living-room chair.
  “Ouch!”cried the principal. “There is a thumbtack in this chair!”
  “Yes, I know,”said Mr Kangaroo.“I enjoy putting thumbtacks in chairs.”
  A spitball hit the principal on his nose.
  “Forgive me,”said Mrs Kangaroo,“but I can never resist(忍住)throwing those things.”
  There was a loud booming(发出隆隆声)sound from the bathroom.
  “Keep calm(安静),”said Mr Kangaroo to the principal.“The firecrackers that we keep in the medicine chest have just exploded (爆炸). We love the noise.”
  The principal rushed for the front door. In an instant(立即) he was stuck(粘住)to the doorknob.
  “Pull hard,”said Mrs Kangaroo.“There are little globs of glue on all of our doorknobs.”
  The principal pulled himself free. He dashed out of the house and ran off down the street.
  “Such a nice person,”said Mr Kangaroo.“I wonder why he left so quickly.”
  “No doubt he had another appointment,”said Mrs Kangaroo.“Never mind, supper is ready.”
  Mr and Mrs Kangaroo and their son enjoyed their evening meal. After the dessert(甜点),they all threw spitballs at each other across the dining-room table.
  A child’s conduct(行为)will reflect(反映)the ways of his parents.
宝日汗布格德今天醒得格外早。他爸爸已经去上班了,破旧的房子显得有些荒凉。吃早点时宝日汗布格德想起了自己的小时候。以前他们有过一个两室一厅的大房子,外面 Baoji Khan
马尔克斯去世了,享年87岁。一个伟大的时代,迟至今日才落下帷幕。一个与先贤齐名的大师,让我们这个时代显得有些尴尬。他的名字被放在卡夫卡、托尔斯泰的行列。他之后的诺奖获得者,只能算是他的学生,包括莫言。  他重塑了文学,改变了一种价值观念。他塑造的马孔多,我们看到历史,看到未来,看到遥远的西方与东方的交合。在中国,我们随处能够看到他的影子,他的血液正在我们的血管里流淌,他的命运,同样降临在很多中国人
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“新课标”下的语文教学,应“激发学生的学习兴趣,注意培养学生的自主意识和习惯,为学生创造良好的自主学习情境,尊重学生的个体差异,鼓励学生选择适合自己的学习方式”。作为语文界一次难得的教改机会,新课标无疑对语文教师是一次极大的解放,是对语文教师的生产力的新培育。可以说,新课标是比较适合语文学科的。将“见仁见智”的问题演绎得淋漓尽致,这确实是一次思想上的革命,乃至语文生命史上的革命。  激发学生的学习