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第一章总则第一条根据国务院修订发布的国发[1986]59号文件《合理化建议和技术改进奖励条例》(以下简称《条例》)第二十三条,制订本实施细则。实施细则对《条例》中需要明确的部分做解释性规定,其它从略。第二条只有同时具有进步性、可行性和效益性的合理化建议和技术改进项目,才能按《条例》评奖。进步性,是指建议者所提的方案、措施相对于本单位(或本系统)原有事物有所改进、完善和提高。可行性,是指方案、措施在实践中可以实施。只指出问题的现象或仅提出建议,设想的名称而无解决问题的具体办法者,属于一般性意见,不能视为合理化建议和技术改进项目。 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 These Detailed Rules are formulated in accordance with Article 23 of Guo Fa [1986] No. 59 Document of Rationalization Proposals and Technical Improvement Awards (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) promulgated by the State Council. Implementation details of the “Regulations” need to be clear part of the explanatory provisions, the other omitted. Article 2 Only rational proposals and technological improvement projects that are both progressive, feasible and profitable can be rewarded according to the Regulations. Progressiveness refers to the plan proposed by the proponent, which is improved, improved and improved relative to the original things of this unit (or this system). Feasibility refers to the program, measures can be implemented in practice. The mere identification of the phenomenon of the problem or the concrete method of proposing a suggestion, the name of the idea without a solution to the problem, is a general comment and can not be regarded as a rationalization proposal and a technical improvement project.
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国务院批准安徽省人民委员会9月15日关于设置马鞍市和铜官山市的请示报告,并决定:(一)设置马鞍山市,其行政区域辖当涂县马鞍山矿区的全部、采石镇的全部和雨山 The State Co
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广西僮族自治区人民委员会一九六五年四月二十日报告、云南省民政厅九月二十三日函和广东省人民委员会五月二十九日函均悉。同意将 Guangxi People’s Autonomous Region Pe
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