Design of double-zone aspheric diffractive intraocular lens with extended depth of focus

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A double-zone aspheric diffractive intraocular lens (IOL) was designed and manufactured aiming to regain a continuous range of clear vision for pseudophakic presbyopia. After obtaining the IOL structure parameters through optimization based on an aphakic model eye, its imaging performances were analyzed in the model eye. The modulation transfer function at 50 cycles/mm remained above 0.29 within ±5° field of view for object distance ranging from 6 to 0.66 m. In addition, the imaging qualities are robust for pupil changes, polychromatic light, and different corneal asphericities. The manufactured IOL exhibits the ability to extend depth of focus.
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针对机载合成孔径激光雷达实测数据成像中旁瓣较高的问题, 提出一种新旁瓣抑制算法。压缩感知理论表明, 稀疏信号恢复重构过程的同时, 信号旁瓣会被压低, 但合成孔径激光雷达图像不是稀疏的。针对这一问题, 提出了一种基于改进SVA(Spatially Variant Apodization)和压缩感知重构SAL图像的旁瓣抑制算法。首先, 利用改进SVA算法将SAL图像变稀疏, 然后再利用压缩感知算法对稀疏图像进行恢复。分别对SAL仿真数据和实际高旁瓣SAL复图像进行抑制旁瓣处理。仿真结果表明: 该算法能够在保证
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成像速度和质量是衡量太赫兹(THz)成像系统的关键因素。采用连续功率约10 mW的CO2激光抽运2.24 THz激光作为成像光源,利用像元数为124×124的热像仪作为面阵探测器,进行了隐藏物探测成像实验。实验中分别采用纸和聚乙烯信封作为遮挡物,获得了原始数据,并在此基础上运用一些图像预处理方法,以提高图像质量。实时成像结果显示,利用2.24 THz激光实时成像系统,可以对穿过纸和信封后的物体进行成像,物体轮廓基本可见。由于激光功率较低,图像质量不好,但经过后续的图像预处理,使得图像中物体轮廓较清晰。因此