
来源 :空中交通管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guogangw1987
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民航东北空管局全体干部职工按照总局“五严”的要求,严密组织,精心筹划,克服困难,狠抓落实,圆满地完成了第一阶段“百日竞赛活动”的各项工作。第一阶段,沈阳、哈尔滨、长春和大连四机场共保障始发航班5 555班,其中正常航班4 899班,不正常航班656班,航班正常率为88.2%,扣除天气原因后航班正常率为90.2%。在保证空管安全的前提下,实现了无空管人为原因造成航班延误的目标。一是加强组织领导,精心筹划方案,按照“加强组织领导,全面提高空管服务质量”的要求,研究、制定了东北空管局“始发航班正常百日竞争活动实施方案”。把竞赛活动摆到重要工作位置,做到有组织、有计划、有方案、有措施,分工明确,责任落实,在确保空管安全的前提下搞好竞赛活动。二是加强宣传教育,提高思想认识。充分利用横幅、板报、宣传栏、计算机屏保等多种形式搞好宣传,做到全员参与,保证人员、内容、时 All staff and workers of CAAC Northeast Air Traffic Control Bureau, in strict accordance with the requirements of SAIC “Strict”, meticulously organized and meticulously planned to overcome difficulties and implemented all aspects of the first phase of the “Hundred Days Contest” successfully jobs. The first phase, Shenyang, Harbin, Changchun and Dalian four airports a total of 5 555 departure flights were guaranteed, of which 4 899 regular flights, 656 irregular flights, the normal rate of 88.2% of flights, excluding normal weather after the flight was normal 90.2%. Under the premise of ensuring the safety of air traffic control, the goal of flight delay caused by man-made air traffic control has been achieved. First, strengthen the organization and leadership, well-planned program, in accordance with “strengthening organizational leadership, and comprehensively improve the quality of air traffic control ” requirements, research, formulate the Northeast Air Traffic Control . Put competitions in important working positions so that they can be well organized, planned, well-planned and well-equipped with a clear division of labor and responsibility, and do a good job of competitions under the premise of ensuring the safety of air traffic control. The second is to step up publicity and education and raise awareness. Make full use of banners, bulletin boards, bulletin boards, computer screensavers and other forms of publicity, so full participation, to ensure that staff, content, when
第一条 (目的和依据) 为了加强对上海市九段沙湿地自然保护区的生态环境和生态资源的保护,根据《中华人民共和国自然保护区条例》和有关法律、法规的规定,结合实际情况,制定
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▲Mar. 1 The American Customs andBorder Protection Bureau announced that alltravelers to the U.S. should receive a new e-scanning check right from that day to