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1.-Why is Misha unhappy?-Everyone went to the party —— she. A.against B.without C.with D.but2.-When shall we meet again?-Make it——day you like.It’s all thesame to us. 1.-Why is Misha unhappy?-Everyone went to the party -- she. A.against B.without C.with D.but2.-When shall we meet again?-Make it—day you like.It’s all the same To us.
The Duck That Dances A circus owner walked into a bar to seeeveryone crowded about a table watching a littleshow.On the table was an upside down pot anda duck
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罗爱国,男,32岁,发型师、发型屋老板,从业11年,曾荣获全国发型大赛优秀作品奖。 Luo Aiguo, male, 32 years old, hair stylist, hair house owner, has been awarded the N
Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1.The t—— month of the year is December.2.The w—— in China is quite different fromthat in Australia.3.It rained the
对美的追求没有因战乱而停止,曼妙的舞姿是对和平的呼唤! The pursuit of beauty has not stopped because of the war. The graceful dance is a call for peace!
Hound-Pup was a very little pup (小狗).There was one big thing about him.It was his ears.His earslooked very big on a pup thatWas so little. Hound—Pup’s fath
生命之中人人都会做梦要用理想撑起一片灿烂天空血比水浓我们荣辱与共平凡的人生拥有许多感动 Everyone in life will dream to use ideals to hold up a brilliant sky. B
2001年暑假,他们离开重庆老家,与家人一起来到千里之外的浙江萧山,开始了新的生活. In the summer of 2001, they left their hometown in Chongqing and went with their f