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从共同为争取民族独立、人民解放而斗争,到携手建立起崭新的国家;从并肩推动社会主义建设,到共同为实现“中国梦”而奋斗,65载沧桑砥砺,中国共产党与中国农工民主党始终同舟共济、肝胆相照,共同谱写了多党合作的壮丽诗章。历史告诉我们,在追求民族独立和人民解放的征程中,农工党人与共产党人心系在一起,血流在一起,历经坎坷却始终相随。这不是巧合,是历史的必然。因为选择,需要勇气;追随,依赖信仰。历史会永远铭记这些选择: From the common struggle for national independence and the liberation of the people, we will work together to establish a brand-new nation. From promoting socialism through building one side by side to working together to achieve “the dream of China,” 65 contain the vicissitudes of vicissitudes of life. The Chinese Communist Party and China’s agricultural workers The Democratic Party has always stood together in the same boat and sharing the same aspirations and has jointly written a magnificent poem of multi-party cooperation. History tells us that during the process of pursuing national independence and the liberation of the people, the Peasants and Communists feel together and they are always in a torrent of blood. This is not a coincidence, it is a historical necessity. Because of the choice, it takes courage; to follow, to rely on faith. History will always remember these choices:
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罗爱国,男,32岁,发型师、发型屋老板,从业11年,曾荣获全国发型大赛优秀作品奖。 Luo Aiguo, male, 32 years old, hair stylist, hair house owner, has been awarded the N