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The Duck That Dances A circus owner walked into a bar to seeeveryone crowded about a table watching a littleshow.On the table was an upside down pot anda duck tap dancing(跳踢踏舞)on it.The cir-cus owner was so impressed that he offered to The Duck That Dances A circus owner walked into a bar to seeeveryone crowded about a table watching a littleshow.On the table was an upside down pot anda duck tap dancing on it.The cir-cus owner was so impressed that he Offered to
Tell me.Mr.Turkey,Don’t you feel afraidWhen you hear us talkingAbout the plans we’ve made? Tell me.Mr.Turkey,Don’t you feel afraid when you hear us talking
One day shortlyafter I came from school, my fatherwas outside doingyard work. One day shortly after I came from school, my father was outside doing yard work.
亲爱的爸爸妈妈:你们好! 我已经在学校里住下了,一切都好。就是食堂里的菜不如老妈烧的好, 晚上宿舍里还有点吵——个个都是夜猫。老爸你千万别用我的昵称到QQ上聊天, Dear
根据上句在下句的横线上填词,使两句意思相符,每空一词。1.—What time is it?--It’s six forty-five. ---____the time?—-It’s a___2.We must go to school now.___ tim
I.词汇: A)根据句意及所给首字母,写出句中所缺单词,完成句子。1.Huhehot is the c__ of Inner Mongolia.2.Haikou is in the n__ of Hainan Island.3.The best way to make
A Wonderful DreamTed: Tom, I had a wonderful dream last night. I got full marks for physics. Do you know what it means?Tom: Yes, it means you study very hard i
The name of my cat is Naty.This year heiS one year old.He iSvery fat, but he is verynice.He has a big roundwhite head.His mouth andnose are small. His eyesare