A study on the Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Comparison between Chinese and Engl

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  【Abstract】Euphemism is an indirect language expression way to avoid embarrassment and unpleasant feeling in the process of communication. In different nations, it has different features because of the various historical and cultural backgrounds. Euphemism can reflect the unique cultural values and moral ethics. There are different euphemisms in English and Chinese and this paper is aimed to explore the differences of the two different euphemisms from the perspective of traditional morality and social values in order to remove the obstacles of the cross-cultural communication
  【Key words】Euphemisms; Comparison; Chinese and Western
  Euphemism is an indirect and polite means of expression for communicating some unpleasant things. It can make some undesirable things, in the process of communication, to be accepted easier by listeners. Euphemism is a kind of linguistic phenomenon widely used in Chinese and Western civilization and plays an important role in interpersonal communication. This paper explores the cultural differences reflected in cultural phenomenon through the analysis and comparison of two different euphemism systems to provide some implication about cross-cultural communication.
  1. Comparison between Chinese Euphemism and English Euphemism Similarities of Euphemism in English and Chinese
  1.1 The Expression of Death
  Nearly every nation regards the death as a mysterious event, so in English and Chinese, there are lots of euphemisms about “death”. For example, in English, we describe “death” as “pass away”, “pass out”, “close one’s eyes”. However, in Chinese, we use the following euphemisms to replace ‘death’, such as ‘老了’, ‘没了’, ‘逝世’, ‘不在了’ and so on.”
  1.2 The Expression of Illness
  There are lots of English euphemisms of the disease, for example, “cancer” is called “the big C” or “long illness” and “mad” is replaced by “mental problem”. In addition, we don’t use “heart attack” but “heart condition” and use “irregularity” instead of “constipation”. Chinese also has a large amount of euphemisms related with disease, such as “poor performance”(欠安), “incurable disease”(不治之症)
  2. Differences of Euphemism in English and Chinese
  2.1 The Difference in Traditional Moral Value
  Chinese people paid more attention to humility and modesty from ancient times to the present, so when we talk something or some behaviors related to ourselves, we always try to describe it in a self-deprecating way and put ourselves in a humble place but put others in a noble place. The euphemisms reflect the characteristics of modesty and respect. In English, there are also some words showing the respect to others but without modesty and restraint. In Chinese, we often use the following sentence to reply the gratitude of others, such as “区区小事,何足挂齿”, but in English, people use “thanks”, “my pleasure” to reply appreciation. Differences of the two answers in two kinds of language reflect the connotation of Chinese and straightforwardness of English.   2.2 The Difference in Religious Belief
  In English, many euphemisms of death come from the “Bible” or “Christian”, such as “be safe in the arms of Jesus”and “be taken to paradise”. But in Chinese, the euphemisms mainly come from Buddhism and Taoism, such as in Taoism, there are different name of death such as “仙逝”, “驾鹤西去”and the euphemism about death in Buddhism are “羽化”, “坐化”, “入寂”. The different religious beliefs contribute to the different euphemisms. In western countries, people believe in Christianity and they hold that God is the most powerful spirit in the word While Taoism in China focus on the eternity and immorality of the human body.
  In a word, the similarities and differences between English and Chinese cultures are reflected in the following aspects, such as the individual values and religious backgrounds. Nowadays, the world has already become an increasingly interconnected global village, it is very important to understand the definition and application of euphemism in Western and Chinese cultural background to avoid the misunderstanding and foster the awareness of cross-cultural communication.
  [1]Samovar, L.A. Communication between Cultures (3th Edition)[M]. Beijing:
【摘要】英语新闻听力在大学英语中占有特殊的地位,在大学英语四级考试中也占有一定比例,但在学习过程中,大部分学生这方面的能力还远未达到要求,而新闻听力能力却是学生日后的学习、工作所亟须的。因此,新闻听力能力的提升在教学上也不容忽视。  【关键词】大学英语;新闻听力;教学策略  【作者简介】祝帅娟(1991.02-),女,汉族,河南许昌人,广东科技学院,硕士,研究方向:英语笔译。  英语新闻听力是大学
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【摘要】思维导图又叫心智导图,它是一种将思维形象化的新型教学工具,其能够将图文结合在一起,把各等级、各主题的知识用关系图的形式表现出来。在高中英语语篇教学中结合思维导图组织教学活动,不仅可以大大提高学生的英语学习效率,而且能够帮助学生对所学语篇加以提炼、归纳和有效解读,以最终实现学生的知识内化和意义建构,促其学生学习能力的发展。  【关键词】思维导图;方法探究;语篇教学;学习能力  【作者简介】叶
【摘要】本文通过对高等院校中外合作办学和双语创新性教学的定义和高等院校中外合作办学双语创新性教学的必要性进行了叙述,又对目前高等院校中外合作办学双语创新性教学存在的问题进行了详细的阐述,最后提出了提升高等院校中外合作办学双语创新性教学策略分析的相关策略。  【关键词】高等院校;双语创新性教学;策略  【作者简介】张佳讯,吉林大学莱姆顿学院。  高等院校近些年的发展越来越快,并逐渐被社会所认可。其中
【摘要】培养高职学生英语口语交际能力一直是高职院校教学需要突破的目标。近年来,随着信息技术和英语教改的深度融合,翻转课堂在英语教学中的应用成为教学改革的热点。本文通过实验数据分析和讨论表明该教学模式对高职学生英语口语交际能力的提高有促进作用。  【关键词】高职院校;翻转课堂;口语教学  【作者简介】张黎黎(1980-),女,汉族,吉林延吉人,延边职业技术学院,中级,硕士研究生,研究方向:外国语言学
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