The state of Ohio is in the Midwest. It is named the Buckeye State after a tree that produces nuts similar to chestnuts.
The Great Plains state of Oklahoma is called the Sooner State. That is because of a sale of land in 1889. Some people arrived in the territory to claim their land earlier than they were supposed to. They cheated and got there “sooner” .
Pennsylvania’s nickname is the Keystone State. Just as a keystone holds together a stone arch, Pennsylvania was seen as
holding together the young American republic.
Pennsylvania is also sometimes called the Quaker State. Its founder, William Penn, and most of his followers, were members of the Protestant Quaker religion.
Rhode Island’s nickname is Little Rhody
because of its size. The state is smaller than the area around Los Angeles, California.
Tennessee got its nickname—the Volunteer State—because of the bravery of its citizens. They volunteered to join Tennessean Andrew Jackson to defend the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, against the British army in the War of 1812.
Texas is called the Lone Star State. It gets its nickname from the single star on its flag. This represents the short time Texas was an
independent nation battling Mexico for self-rule.
The Beehive State of Utah has no more
beehives than any other state. The nickname is from the Mormon Church’s symbol for hard work.
The eastern state of Vermont is proud of its beautiful Green Mountains so it calls itself the Green Mountain State.
The southern state of Virginia is called the Old Dominion. Long ago, King Charles II of England added the colony’s coat of arms to his shield. It joined his other dominions of England, Ireland, and Scotland.
West Virginia broke away from Virginia in the eighteen sixties. It is called simply the
Mountain State for the ancient Appalachian mountains.
And we have saved perhaps the most
American nickname for last. The western state of Wyoming was once an area where cattle were transported east. And where there are cattle, there are men—and now women—to move them. So Wyoming is the Cowboy State.
● 俄亥俄州(Ohio)是伟大的发明家托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)的故乡。七叶树(buckeye)是著名的观赏性树种之一,它的果实食如板栗(chestnut),俄亥俄州因为这种树而被称为“七叶树之州(the Buckeye State)”。此外,Buckeye一词也可以用来指俄亥俄州人。
● 俄克拉荷马州(Okalahoma)位于美国中南部,是北美大平原上(the Great Plains)的一个州。19世纪80年代,美国政府为了激励民众到俄克拉荷马地区定居置产,以很低的价格出卖这里的土地,于是大批白人冲向刚开放的地区,抢占自己看中的土地,这些人被成为“抢先者(the sooner)”。俄克拉荷马州人以“抢先者”自居,凡事都要争先恐后,而这也使该州有了“抢先州(the Sooner State)”的别称。
● 宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)是第二个加入美国联邦的州。该州的费城(Philadelphia)是美国第五大城市,这是美国独立战争时期起草《独立宣言(The Declaration of Independence)》和联邦宪法(The Constitution of the United States)的地方,被誉为“美国的摇篮”。有这么一种说法——宾夕法尼亚州犹如牌坊的基石,维系了年轻的美利坚合众国,因此该州有“基石之州(the Keystone State)”的别称。此外,最早进入该地区的西方移民是瑞典人和英国人。威廉·佩恩(William Penn)是这里的开拓者,宾夕法尼亚州也是因他而得名。他和他的多数追随者都是英国贵格会(Quaker,基督教新教的一个派别)教徒,因此该州又有“贵格会之州(the Quaker State)”的别称。
● 罗德岛州(Rhode Island)是美国面积最小的州,位于东北部新英格兰地区。虽然它的面积比洛杉矶地区还小,但是却是全美名称最长的州(全名The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations,译为罗得岛与普罗维登斯庄园州)。
● 位于美国南部的田纳西州(Tennessee)是著名歌手猫王(Elvis Presley)的故乡。1812年,第二次英美战争爆发。1814年,英军重兵出击,意图夺取南方重要港口新奥尔良(New Orleans)。指挥防守这里的是美军名将安德鲁·杰克逊(Andrew Jackson),他带领的士兵大多是志愿加入的民兵。他们精心组织防御,顽强作战,于1815年使英军大败,取得了标志性的胜利,这就是历史上著名的新奥尔良战役(The Battle of New Orleans)。由于这批志愿加入防御战的士兵,田纳西州有了“志愿者州(the Volunteer State)”的别称。安德鲁·杰克逊因此成为美国人心目中的英雄,并当选为美国第七任总统,他是美国历史上第一位平民出身的总统。
● 德克萨斯州(Texas)是美国第二大州,原属墨西哥,19世纪曾是西班牙殖民地的一部分。墨西哥独立后,正逢美国向西扩张,大批美国人涌入德州,并挑唆其独立。1836年,德克萨斯州宣布独立,并成立了德克萨斯共和国(The Republic of Texas),直到1845年才被美国联邦接纳。它是唯一一个以独立国家身份加入美国的,所以也是唯一一个有权自行退出联邦的州。德克萨斯的州旗上有一颗单独的星星,这代表着这段以独立国家的身份对抗墨西哥的历史,因此德州也有“孤星州(the Lone State)”的别称。
● 犹他州(Utah)位于美国南部,其首府盐湖城(Salt Lake City)是2002年冬季奥运会的主办城市。犹他州的人口主要由摩门教(the Mormon Church)信众的后代和北欧移民的后裔组成。摩门教正式的名称是耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)。1874年其信众在教主杨百翰(Brigham Young)的带领下来到犹他州,在荒漠中“像蜜蜂一样”辛勤地建设新的家园。为了赞颂这些勤劳的先民,同时也因为这里的地形在冰蚀作用下看起来像蜂巢,所以有了“蜂巢州(the Beehive State)”的别称。
● 位于美国东部的佛蒙特州(Vermont),其首府蒙彼利埃(Montpelier)源自法语“绿色的山岭(Monts Verts)”,这也使得该州有了“绿岭之州(the Green Mountain State)”的别称。
● 弗吉尼亚州(Virginia)是美国最早的13州之一,有“老自治州(the Old Dominion)”的别称。原因是早在1607年,英国就在这里沿海的詹姆斯敦(Jamestown)建立了北美的第一块殖民地。该州州名“弗吉尼亚”是为了纪念英国女王伊丽莎白一世对开拓英国殖民事业的贡献。
● 西弗吉尼亚州(West Virginia)于19世纪60年代脱离弗吉尼亚州,因其拥有壮美的阿帕拉契山脉(Appalachian)而被称为“山脉之州(the Mountain State)”。
● 怀俄明州(Wyoming)位于西部落基山区,旅游业发达,有著名的黄石公园(Yellowstone National Park)和大蒂顿国家公园(Grand Teton National Park)。该州是美国著名的“牛仔州(the Cowboy State)”,至今仍保留着浓厚的牛仔气息,影片《断背山》(Brokeback Mountain)就是以怀俄明州的牛仔生活为故事背景的。
The state of Ohio is in the Midwest. It is named the Buckeye State after a tree that produces nuts similar to chestnuts.
The Great Plains state of Oklahoma is called the Sooner State. That is because of a sale of land in 1889. Some people arrived in the territory to claim their land earlier than they were supposed to. They cheated and got there “sooner” .
Pennsylvania’s nickname is the Keystone State. Just as a keystone holds together a stone arch, Pennsylvania was seen as
holding together the young American republic.
Pennsylvania is also sometimes called the Quaker State. Its founder, William Penn, and most of his followers, were members of the Protestant Quaker religion.
Rhode Island’s nickname is Little Rhody
because of its size. The state is smaller than the area around Los Angeles, California.
Tennessee got its nickname—the Volunteer State—because of the bravery of its citizens. They volunteered to join Tennessean Andrew Jackson to defend the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, against the British army in the War of 1812.
Texas is called the Lone Star State. It gets its nickname from the single star on its flag. This represents the short time Texas was an
independent nation battling Mexico for self-rule.
The Beehive State of Utah has no more
beehives than any other state. The nickname is from the Mormon Church’s symbol for hard work.
The eastern state of Vermont is proud of its beautiful Green Mountains so it calls itself the Green Mountain State.
The southern state of Virginia is called the Old Dominion. Long ago, King Charles II of England added the colony’s coat of arms to his shield. It joined his other dominions of England, Ireland, and Scotland.
West Virginia broke away from Virginia in the eighteen sixties. It is called simply the
Mountain State for the ancient Appalachian mountains.
And we have saved perhaps the most
American nickname for last. The western state of Wyoming was once an area where cattle were transported east. And where there are cattle, there are men—and now women—to move them. So Wyoming is the Cowboy State.
● 俄亥俄州(Ohio)是伟大的发明家托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)的故乡。七叶树(buckeye)是著名的观赏性树种之一,它的果实食如板栗(chestnut),俄亥俄州因为这种树而被称为“七叶树之州(the Buckeye State)”。此外,Buckeye一词也可以用来指俄亥俄州人。
● 俄克拉荷马州(Okalahoma)位于美国中南部,是北美大平原上(the Great Plains)的一个州。19世纪80年代,美国政府为了激励民众到俄克拉荷马地区定居置产,以很低的价格出卖这里的土地,于是大批白人冲向刚开放的地区,抢占自己看中的土地,这些人被成为“抢先者(the sooner)”。俄克拉荷马州人以“抢先者”自居,凡事都要争先恐后,而这也使该州有了“抢先州(the Sooner State)”的别称。
● 宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)是第二个加入美国联邦的州。该州的费城(Philadelphia)是美国第五大城市,这是美国独立战争时期起草《独立宣言(The Declaration of Independence)》和联邦宪法(The Constitution of the United States)的地方,被誉为“美国的摇篮”。有这么一种说法——宾夕法尼亚州犹如牌坊的基石,维系了年轻的美利坚合众国,因此该州有“基石之州(the Keystone State)”的别称。此外,最早进入该地区的西方移民是瑞典人和英国人。威廉·佩恩(William Penn)是这里的开拓者,宾夕法尼亚州也是因他而得名。他和他的多数追随者都是英国贵格会(Quaker,基督教新教的一个派别)教徒,因此该州又有“贵格会之州(the Quaker State)”的别称。
● 罗德岛州(Rhode Island)是美国面积最小的州,位于东北部新英格兰地区。虽然它的面积比洛杉矶地区还小,但是却是全美名称最长的州(全名The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations,译为罗得岛与普罗维登斯庄园州)。
● 位于美国南部的田纳西州(Tennessee)是著名歌手猫王(Elvis Presley)的故乡。1812年,第二次英美战争爆发。1814年,英军重兵出击,意图夺取南方重要港口新奥尔良(New Orleans)。指挥防守这里的是美军名将安德鲁·杰克逊(Andrew Jackson),他带领的士兵大多是志愿加入的民兵。他们精心组织防御,顽强作战,于1815年使英军大败,取得了标志性的胜利,这就是历史上著名的新奥尔良战役(The Battle of New Orleans)。由于这批志愿加入防御战的士兵,田纳西州有了“志愿者州(the Volunteer State)”的别称。安德鲁·杰克逊因此成为美国人心目中的英雄,并当选为美国第七任总统,他是美国历史上第一位平民出身的总统。
● 德克萨斯州(Texas)是美国第二大州,原属墨西哥,19世纪曾是西班牙殖民地的一部分。墨西哥独立后,正逢美国向西扩张,大批美国人涌入德州,并挑唆其独立。1836年,德克萨斯州宣布独立,并成立了德克萨斯共和国(The Republic of Texas),直到1845年才被美国联邦接纳。它是唯一一个以独立国家身份加入美国的,所以也是唯一一个有权自行退出联邦的州。德克萨斯的州旗上有一颗单独的星星,这代表着这段以独立国家的身份对抗墨西哥的历史,因此德州也有“孤星州(the Lone State)”的别称。
● 犹他州(Utah)位于美国南部,其首府盐湖城(Salt Lake City)是2002年冬季奥运会的主办城市。犹他州的人口主要由摩门教(the Mormon Church)信众的后代和北欧移民的后裔组成。摩门教正式的名称是耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)。1874年其信众在教主杨百翰(Brigham Young)的带领下来到犹他州,在荒漠中“像蜜蜂一样”辛勤地建设新的家园。为了赞颂这些勤劳的先民,同时也因为这里的地形在冰蚀作用下看起来像蜂巢,所以有了“蜂巢州(the Beehive State)”的别称。
● 位于美国东部的佛蒙特州(Vermont),其首府蒙彼利埃(Montpelier)源自法语“绿色的山岭(Monts Verts)”,这也使得该州有了“绿岭之州(the Green Mountain State)”的别称。
● 弗吉尼亚州(Virginia)是美国最早的13州之一,有“老自治州(the Old Dominion)”的别称。原因是早在1607年,英国就在这里沿海的詹姆斯敦(Jamestown)建立了北美的第一块殖民地。该州州名“弗吉尼亚”是为了纪念英国女王伊丽莎白一世对开拓英国殖民事业的贡献。
● 西弗吉尼亚州(West Virginia)于19世纪60年代脱离弗吉尼亚州,因其拥有壮美的阿帕拉契山脉(Appalachian)而被称为“山脉之州(the Mountain State)”。
● 怀俄明州(Wyoming)位于西部落基山区,旅游业发达,有著名的黄石公园(Yellowstone National Park)和大蒂顿国家公园(Grand Teton National Park)。该州是美国著名的“牛仔州(the Cowboy State)”,至今仍保留着浓厚的牛仔气息,影片《断背山》(Brokeback Mountain)就是以怀俄明州的牛仔生活为故事背景的。