人民币汇率波幅扩至2% 外币理财增添不确定性

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事件:市民换汇每日差价扩大央行宣布,自3月17日起,人民币对美元汇率波幅扩大至2%,就是说每日银行间即期外汇市场人民币兑美元的交易价可在当日人民币兑美元中间价上下2%的幅度内浮动。同时,外汇指定银行为客户提供当日美元最高现汇卖出价与最低现汇买入价之差不得超过当日汇率中间价的幅度由2%扩大至3%。这对普通市民来说,一天之内不同时间去银行兑换外币,价格可能会差别很大。这是1994年以来央行第四次调整人民币汇率的波幅。1994年人民币汇率浮动幅度是0.3%,2007年扩至0.5%,2012年扩至1%,这一浮动幅度已执行2年时间。央行表示,扩大汇率浮动幅度充分考虑了经济主体的适应能力,有步骤地推进,调整幅度在各类市场主体可承 Event: Citizens exchange foreign exchange daily spread to expand the central bank announced that since March 17, the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar volatility expanded to 2%, that is, the daily exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar in the interbank foreign exchange trading on the same day the RMB against The median price of the U.S. dollar fluctuated within a 2% margin. At the same time, the designated foreign exchange banks to provide customers with the highest dollar spot selling price of the day and the minimum purchase price of the spot exchange rate shall not exceed the central parity rate of exchange rate from 2% to 3%. This ordinary citizens, at different times of the day to go to the bank for foreign exchange, the price may vary widely. This is the fourth time since 1994 that the central bank adjusted the exchange rate of RMB. In 1994, the fluctuation of RMB exchange rate was 0.3%, expanding to 0.5% in 2007 and 1% in 2012. This floating range has been implemented for 2 years. The central bank said expanding the exchange rate fluctuations fully take into account the ability of the economic main body to adapt, step by step, the adjustment in the various types of market players
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