新的起点 新的历程——访国内贸易部再生资源管理办公室负责人汤传璞

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1993年9月,国内贸易部再生资源管理办公室正式成立并开始运转。最近,再生资源管理办公室第一负责人汤传璞接受了本刊记者的采访。现将汤传璞同志的谈话摘要发表如下: 今年3月,八届人大一次会议通过决定;撤销商业部、物资部,组建国内贸易部。7月28日,国内贸易部正式成立。内贸部设立再生资源管理办公室,统一管理内贸部系统再生资源行业。这充分表明部领导对再生资源回收利用工作的重视与关心,对全行业广大职工是巨大鼓舞,必将有力地推动这项工作的开展。同时,这也标志着我国再生资源回收利用工作进入了一 In September 1993, the Office of Renewable Resources Management of the Ministry of Internal Trade was formally established and started operation. Recently, the first person in charge of renewable resources management office Tang Pu accepted this reporter’s interview. The summary of Comrade Tang Chuanpu’s briefing is now published as follows: In March this year, the first session of the Eighth National People’s Congress passed a decision; the Commerce Department and the Materials Department were canceled and the domestic trade department was formed. July 28, the Ministry of Trade was officially established. The Ministry of Internal Trade has set up a renewable resource management office to uniformly manage the system of domestic renewable resources in the Ministry of Internal Trade. This fully shows that the departmental leaders attach great importance and concern to the work of recycling and reusing renewable resources and are greatly encouraged by the vast number of staff and workers in the entire industry and will certainly vigorously promote this work. At the same time, this also marks the country’s recycling of renewable resources into a work
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