Investigation of the solute transportation coupled with heat transfer and fluid flow during twin-rol

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chijb
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Mathematical model of solute [C] distribution in twin-roll strip casting process has been setup successfully with Calcosoft for the first time. Simulation result shows that in the center of the molten steel pool between the two rolls there is a vortex flow, which is a solute enriched area. But the highest solute concentration position is at the solidification front of the columnar grain zone near the cooling roll surface. Another solute enriched position is in the back flow above the nip point. Combined with the formation mechanism of microstructure in final as cast strip, analysis shows that solute enriched area is in the transitional area between columnar and equiaxed grain zone. Mathematical model of solute [C] distribution in twin-roll strip casting process has been setup successfully with Calcosoft for the first time. Simulation result shows that in the center of the molten steel pool between the two rolls there is a vortex flow, which is a solute enriched area. But the highest solute concentration position is at the solidification front of the columnar grain zone near the cooling roll surface. Another solute enriched position is in the back flow above the nip point. as cast strip, analysis shows that solute enriched area is in the transitional area between columnar and equiaxed grain zone.
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