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国务院制止向企业摊派办公室、国家经济委员会(1987)3号文件指出:国务院1986年4月发出《国务院关于坚决制止向企业乱摊派的通知》(国发[1986]49号),要求各地区、各部门认真制止向企业摊派之后,在《国务院关于深化企业改革增强企业活力若干规定》(国发(1986)103号)中再次指出:“要采取坚决有效的措施,制止对企业的摊派。各级政府及部门的主要领导人对此要切实负责,违者要追究责任。”但目前向企业摊派的情况依然十分严重。为此,国务院今年又发出《国务院批转国家经委、审计署、财政部关于制止向企业摊派的情况和意见的通知》(国发(1987)5号),决定成立国务院制止向企业摊派办公室,负责监督检查国发[1986]49号文件的贯彻情况,处理有关摊派事件。为切实加强制止向企业摊派工作的组织领导,各地区、各部门也应有相应的机构,协助政府和部门的主要负责同志抓好这项工作。为此,提出如下意见。 The State Council stopped the apportionment of offices to enterprises. According to document No. 3 of the State Economic Commission (1987), the State Council issued in April 1986 the State Council’s Notice on Resolutely Suppressing Apportionment to Enterprises (Guo Fa [1986] No. 49) and demanded that all regions, After the departments concerned conscientiously stopped apportioning their enterprises, they once again pointed out in the “Several Provisions of the State Council on Deepening the Reform and Enhancing the Vitality of Enterprises” (Guo Fa (1986) No.103): “We must take resolute and effective measures to stop the apportionment to the enterprises The main leaders of the government and departments at the level of government should take this responsibility seriously, and the offenders should be held accountable. ”But the current apportionment to the enterprises is still very serious. To this end, the State Council this year issued a “Notice of the State Council on Approving the State Economic Commission, the Audit Commission and the Ministry of Finance to Stop the Apportionment of Enterprises to the State” (Guo Fa (1987) No. 5) and decided to set up the State Council to stop the apportionment of offices to enterprises, It is responsible for supervising and inspecting the implementation of Guo Fa [1986] No. 49 document and dealing with the assessed events. In order to effectively strengthen organizational leadership over the apportionment of work to enterprises, all localities and departments should also have appropriate institutions to assist the leading responsible officials in the government and departments in their efforts to do this work. To this end, put forward the following opinions.
目的 为我国单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型的基因工程疫苗提供早期实验研究资料。方法 采取PCR和蛋白质原核细胞表达方法。结果 自我国病毒储备株中成功地克隆出了单纯疱疹病毒Ⅱ型小
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