
来源 :法庭内外 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangjia14
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2011年下半年以来,中宣部、新闻出版总署等五部门联合发出关于开展“走基层、转作风、改文风”活动的号召,要求新闻工作者深入基层采访锻炼,了解实际。法庭内外杂志社积极响应中宣部的总体部署,与北京市各区县法院建立联系点,组织记者深入最基层的人民法庭采访锻炼,了解一线审判工作情况。几个月来,本刊主编王振清和编辑、记者先后走访了房山区法院燕山法庭、密云县法院太师屯法庭、延庆县法院永宁法庭、门头沟区法院斋堂法庭、丰台区法院丽泽专业审判区和科技园区审判区,深入法庭开展调研,与审判人员采访、座谈,在贴近审判一线的过程中,了解真实鲜活的工作情况,发现平凡工作中的闪光点。 Since the second half of 2011, the Central Government Propaganda Department, the Press and Publication Administration and other five departments jointly issued a call on carrying out activities of “walking at the grass-roots level, changing the style of work and changing the style of writing,” and urged journalists to conduct in-depth interviews and exercises with grassroots workplaces to understand the actual situation. The magazine, both inside and outside the court, responded positively to the overall plan of the Central Propaganda Department and set up contact points with the courts of all districts and counties in Beijing. The magazine organizers organize in-depth interviews and exercises with the people’s courts at the grassroots levels to understand first-line trial work. In recent months, Wang Zhenqing, chief editor of the journal, and editor visited the Fangshan District Court Yanshan Court, Miyun County Court Taishuntun Court, Yanqing County Court Yongning Court, Mentougou District Court Zhaitang Court and Fengtai District Court Lize Professional Judicial districts and trial districts of science and technology parks. They conducted in-depth court investigations, conducted interviews and discussions with judicial personnel, and learned about the real and vivid work in the process of being near the trial and found the bright spots in ordinary work.
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美国证券法的强制披露制度从代理信息披露规则逐步演变为价值信息披露规则。从信息经济学的角度来看 ,市场失灵说可能低估了市场机制的自我调整能力以及政府失灵的可能性 ;外
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