
来源 :致富时代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenzeqian
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杂技团+餐厅湖南某县杂技团原有相当多观众,由于时下娱乐节目不断增多,专门前往观看杂技的人渐渐少了,该团便面临生存危机。穷则思变,有人提出在礼堂里做餐饮生意,让观众一边用餐一边欣赏台上的精彩杂技节目。有人担心这会给人不伦不类的感觉。团长拍板,就来次革命吧!原本的观众席改成了几套餐桌椅。 Acrobatic Troupe + Restaurant There is a large number of Acrobatic Troupes in a certain county in Hunan. Due to the increasing number of entertainment programs nowadays, the number of people dedicated to watching acrobatics is gradually decreasing. The group is faced with a crisis of survival. The poor are thinking of change, some people proposed to do business in the auditorium business, so that the audience while watching the wonderful acrobatics on stage. Some people worry that this will give people a sense of nondescript. The head of the board made a revolution, and the original auditorium was changed into several sets of dining tables and chairs.
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国家发展和改革委员会于2006年10月4日发布《中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会公告2006年第71号》,批准87项行业标准,其中电工行业标准11项,如下: On October 4, 2006, t