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  Host: If you’re in New England, planning to get married, and just trying to figure out a date, let me guess, it’s not going to be when the snow is falling, which feels like it could go on…forever? Nope, you’re gonna look into May or June, when there’s no snow. But then the question is, what about the rain? Wedding planners don’t like that either. There is a solution for that though. A British travel company, Oliver’s Travels, says it can give you that dry, dream wedding. Natasja Rasmussen, your company can do this and guarantee a rain-free day?
  Natasja: Yes. Yes, we can.
  Host: How, how does it work?
  Natasja: We’ve actually teamed up with some cloudbursting experts; they’re actually based in the States. And we’ve been specialising in weddings, 1)destination weddings over in France. And what happens is they send over a 2)meteorologist and a pilot, along with the aircraft. The aircraft will then travel over the clouds, and the clouds will burst and disappear before the big day. Host: Cloud bursting. So is this like cloud seeding?
  Natasja: Exactly, yes, uh, cloud seeding is just another name for the cloud bursting.
  Host: I know, like, governments have done this before. Isn’t this really expensive?
  Natasja: You’re right. Previously I guess governments and famous people would’ve been available, but now we’re, uh, offering it to anyone that wants a…that would like their perfect wedding day in France.
  Host: Right. And how much of a, a 3)premium does this add on to the overall price of a wedding? Natasja: Yes, it is quite a premium: starts from£100,000, which is around US$150,000, but for that you do get the three-week project, the pilot and meteorologist 4)on the ground the week before. And it is a 24-hour period prior to the wedding day, where the, uh, the cloud-seeding process does take place.
  Host: So, where can you have this rain-free wedding? Pretty much anywhere in the world?
  Natasja: We were actually just launching it in France initially, ’cause that’s where our…a majority of our destination weddings take place, and then, hopefully, the, the service takes off, then we will offer it to other destination, hopefully here in the UK, ’cause obviously, as you can imagine, the weather here is, is not ideal 5)at the best of times. Get a lot of rain, especially up north.
  Host: And I suppose, you just mentioned the UK, there probably are some “no-go” spots around the world where you would not offer the service, like India during 6)monsoon season.

  Natasja: In extreme weather, such as hurricanes, potentially monsoons, that would be 7)out of the question, ’cause the weather probably cannot be controlled. But, yeah, any heavy cloudy area, lots of rain, the service does work.
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