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  Host: Most of us try not to think about death too often, at least if we don’t have to, but American surgeon and writer Atul Gawande has given a lot of thought to the matter. Gawande talks about seeing his own father, Ram Gawande, struggle with cancer. His father was a surgeon too, and he grew up in a farming village in rural India. Ram and his wife, also a doctor from India, raised their family in Athens, Ohio.
  One day several years ago, Ram’s fingers began to go numb. An 1)MRI showed a massive tumor growing into his spinal cord. Eventually, Atul and his parents had to sit down and talk about the reality that Ram’s life was ending.
  Atul: He cried, and my Mom cried, and I cried, and we talked. And those are hard conversations, talking to people about death. And he told us that he did not want a situation where, if you’re a 2)quadriplegic, you could end up on a 3)ventilator, needing total care. You know, he said, “Let me die if that should happen.” He underwent surgery for the tumor, which helped him for a while. You know, for a while.
  On the last day my mother was drinking tea, reading the Athens Messenger, and my sister was working on her computer, and his breathing stopped. Then there was one beat, and then another, and then another. Each time, after about 30 seconds, you’d think, well this might be the moment that he’s gonna breathe again, you thought. But then a minute passed, and he didn’t, and I turned to my mother and my sister and I said, “I think…I think this was it.” And it was.

  My dad wanted to be 4)cremated in the traditional Indian way, and he wanted his ashes spread in three places in the world: in our home town of Athens, Ohio, in his village, and then on the 5)Ganges River. And there’s this idea that if the ashes of your loved one are spread on the Ganges, that they’re freed from the cycle of birth and rebirth. They ascend to what’s called “Moksha,” which is 6)Nirvana. So we took him.
  We took his ashes; my sister and my mother and I, to the ancient city of Varanasi, on the banks of the Ganges. And it was an amazing thing, it’s a funny thing. My parents tried very hard to raise me as a traditional Hindu in rural Ohio, and that didn’t work so well. But there was something about the ritual of the same thing that families have been going through for thousands of years. You could almost feel the links of the hands across the generations. And what I felt on the Ganges was that he had brought us there and connected himself to all that was important to him, but he was connecting us to it as well. And that’s part of what makes dying tolerable. That’s what makes being a mortal creature tolerable.

  Varanasi 瓦拉纳西
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