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  Imagine living in a place where you and your brother are the only kids. Where everyone lives in tents, and there’s a fire burning all the time for warmth and cooking.
  Where wild animals walk or run past day and night. Where the nearest village is a 20-minute ride away.
  Madison McNutt, 12, and his brother Wilder, 8, live in the southern African country of Botswana at Wild Dog Research Camp, where their father studies wild dogs and other big predators[食肉动物]. Their mother works with local children, teaching them about conservation[保护] of the natural world.
  Camp Set-Up
  More than a dozen adults live at dog camp, including their teacher, workers to help cook and keep the camp clean, and college students who have come to learn about wildlife. Wilder describes the set-up: “Fifteen tents in camp: ten for researchers and five for camp staff. We also have an office and an underground office (because it gets hot in the day and underground it is cool), a kitchen, a garage tent, and a laundry tent.” And they have a small museum where they keep all the bones and skulls and teeth of animals they find.
  Boys’ Tent
  The boys live in their own tent attached to[连在……上] their parents’, several feet off the ground like a tree house. The camp toilet is a hole in the ground, and everyone showers and bathes outside under the stars. Sometimes at night, the boys spot animals like hyenas[土狼,鬣狗] that come to the birdbath[供鸟饮用和嬉水的盆] in camp for a drink. Sometimes there is a lot of excitement.
  “The wildlife at night is very dangerous,” says Wilder, “so you have to be extremely careful. Last night, some hyenas killed an impala[黑斑羚] in camp. They made a huge ruckus[喧闹,骚动] and I was up for about two hours listening to the noise.”
  The boys attend class in camp about four months out of the year; Madison’s favorite part of the day is when school gets out. “Then I can go do other stuff, like going out with some of the students to research cheetahs[猎豹] or wild dogs or lions or hyenas or leopards.”
  Favorite Animals
  Madison, who wants to train dogs for the movies when he grows up, likes the wild dogs the best: “They are very social animals and are always nice to each other.” Both boys have learned a lot about the animals their father works to understand and protect.
  Wilder’s favorite animal is the leopard. He says, “They are very strong and they are beautiful. They were here first and it would be sad if they were not here to look at.”
  麦迪逊希望长大以后能够为电影训练狗只,他最喜欢野犬:“它们是群体性很强的动物,总能和睦相处。” 他们的父亲致力于了解和保护这些动物,两个男孩也学到了很多相关知识。
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本文出自奥巴马于2008年6月15日发表的父亲节讲话。他在演讲中讲述了自己在单亲家庭成长的经历,呼吁黑人父亲给孩子更多关爱。排比句的运用是演讲中最常见的语言技巧之一,注意学习奥巴马如何活用排比,将这个简单易懂的选段处理得如此激动人心。  材料内容选自中信出版社出版的《跟奥巴马学英语》一书。该书选取了奥巴马竞选总统以来的9篇精彩演讲,话题涉及美国社会的方方面面,让读者在学习语言的同时进一步了解美国。
乔希有一个秘密:他是一个狼人,每隔四周就要在月圆之夜变身。  艾丹有一个秘密:他是一个吸血鬼,每时每刻都要与自己吸血的天性作斗争。  尽管“身份”特殊,这对难兄难弟依然渴望过上正常人的生活。他们为了互相照看而搬进了一所公寓,谁知公寓里竟然住着女鬼萨莉,三只怪物勉为其难地开始“同居”……  山寨其实并非国内电视台的专利,大洋彼岸的美国向来有“英剧翻拍情结”,其中不乏《办公室》(The Office)